Ohmium to provide electrolysers for low-carbon fertiliser plant in Mexico
By Julian Atchison on September 21, 2022
US-based Ohmium will deliver electrolysers to Tarafert to integrate into a new build ammonia & urea plant in Durango state, northern Mexico. Starting with 69 MW (due in 2025), a total 343 MW of Ohmium PEM electrolysers will be delivered, providing renewable hydrogen for Tarafert’s operations.
Utilizing green hydrogen to produce ammonia is a major advantage for our project. Green hydrogen means our ammonia will no longer be subject to the volatile price spikes and pollution inherent in fossil fuel use.
Tarafert CEO Jean Perarnaud in Ohmium’s official press release, 8 Sept 2022
Two feedstock tracks

Netherlands-based Tarafert is engaged in simultaneous projects in Durango state. The ammonia/urea plant is CCS-based, with emissions from the million-tonne-per-year urea plant to be captured and sequestered locally by a third party. Tarafert reports an offtaker (full urea volume) is already in place, with commercial operations to begin in 2026.
Next door to this will be an electrolyser facility, featuring 1 GW of solar panel arrays and Ohmium electrolysers (also starting operations in 2026). Renewable hydrogen from this plant (named “Tarafert 2”) will be fed into the ammonia plant next door, giving plant operators two different sources of low-carbon hydrogen feedstock: one CCS-based, and the other solar-based.