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Renewable ammonia in Portugal

Madoqua Renewables, Power2X and Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners will jointly develop a new project in Sines, Portugal. Renewable hydrogen production will be integrated with a conventional Haber Bosch synthesis plant to produce up to 500,000 tonnes of ammonia per year, with an expansion phase to double that capacity.

AI & High-Performance Computing for ammonia catalyst R&D

Fujitsu and Iceland-based Atmonia will join forces to accelerate catalyst development for the production of ammonia via electrochemical nitrogen reduction reaction (eNRR). By using artificial intelligence and high-performance computing (HPC) technologies, the researchers can conduct “high-speed quantum chemical calculations” virtually rather than via physical experiments, allowing for greater flexibility & speed.

Maritime green corridors in Chile, Australia and the US

In three green maritime corridor announcements this week:

  • Chile’s Ministry of Energy and the Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping will develop a network of transport corridors in and out of the country.
  • The Global Maritime Forum will lead an Australian consortium seeking to establish ammonia-powered iron ore transport routes between Australia and southeast Asia.
  • and the US State Department has outlined its official approach to green corridors, describing them as a “key means of spurring the early adoption of zero-emission fuels” like ammonia.

Barents Blue project updates

In recent updates for the Barents Blue project in far-north Norway:

  • a long-term carbon storage license & zoning approval have both been granted to Horisont Energi.
  • Horisont and Koole Terminals will work together to develop an ammonia import terminal and distribution point at the Port of Rotterdam.
  • and E.ON will bring their expertise in carbon capture & liquefaction to the project, having recently acquired a 25% stake in Horisont.

Ammonia production from offshore nuclear power

Samsung Heavy Industries and Danish organisation Seaborg have signed a new agreement to develop floating nuclear power plants. The partners have identified P2X projects producing hydrogen and ammonia fuel as key applications for the 800 MW vessels. This follows a report released in January, where UK-based CORE POWER suggests floating nuclear power to produce offshore ammonia can create a network of strategically-located refueling points to service a wide range of maritime transport, with particularly promising applications in the US.

ACE Terminal: importing ammonia to Rotterdam from 2026

Gasunie, HES International and Vopak will develop an import terminal for ammonia on Rotterdam’s Maasvlakte, with operations to begin in 2026 under the name ACE Terminal. While green imports are the long-term focus, blue ammonia imports are possible in the initial phase. The design will leverage existing ammonia infrastructure on Maasvlakte. New build features include a deep-sea berth for large vessels and possibly an ammonia cracker.

Ammonia off-taker for H2U’s Gladstone project

The Hydrogen Utility and Orica will explore possibilities for an exclusive off-take & supply agreement. Renewable ammonia produced at H2U’s future production plant in Gladstone, Australia would supply Orica’s nearby manufacturing plant, which will use the ammonia to produce explosives and mining extraction chemicals for Australian & international mining customers. There is also the potential for an ammonia export terminal to be built by the pair, based on Orica’s existing ammonia storage infrastructure in Gladstone.

Ammonia-powered EV charging in Israel

GenCell Energy and Israeli automotive importer EV Motors have deployed their first off-grid, hydrogen-fueled EV charging station in Netanya, Israel. Based on GenCell’s existing ammonia-fed, alkaline fuel cell systems, the partners hope to deploy a network of off-grid charging stations in both the Israeli and Chinese markets.

In other updates, GenCell and Deutsche Telekom are working to deploy GenCell’s hydrogen & ammonia-fed backup systems for a field trial, and Japan-based TDK Corporation announced they would continue their investment in GenCell’s R&D program for green ammonia synthesis technology.

Oman green ammonia Supergiant takes shape

InterContinental Energy, OQ and Enertech announced a number of key development updates last week for their 25 GW Green Energy Oman (“GEO”) project. Three specialist organisations have been contracted to perform feasibility, engineering & impact assessment work, and new details were announced about the project’s location, including a potential site for ammonia production on the Oman coast.

Green ammonia for polymers: “Econitrile”

OCI, AnQore and Elix Polymers announced this week that green ammonia would form the basis of a low-carbon, sustainable value chain for polymer manufacturing in Europe. Green ammonia supplied by OCI would be used for the manufacture of green Acrylonitrile (named “Econitrile”), a feedstock for one for one of the world’s most common thermoplastics used in injection molding. Potential end applications for the value chain range from engineering materials to children’s toys.