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World-scale green ammonia production in Egypt

Scatec will partner with a series of Egyptian government entities to develop a green ammonia plant in Ain Sokhna, adjacent to the Suez Canal. The project partners have already indicated that the one million per year facility could be expanded in the future to a production capacity of three million tonnes of green ammonia. Growing green ammonia markets in European & Asia are being targeted as export destinations.

Scatec joins ACME’s Oman green ammonia project

Scatec will enter into a 50:50 joint venture with ACME to design, develop, build, own and operate a planned large-scale, green ammonia facility in the Duqm Special Economic Zone of Oman. At full capacity the facility will produce 1.2 million tonnes of green ammonia per year, and the partners aspire to be “one of the first” commercial green ammonia facilities operating in the world. Advanced discussions for long-term off-take are already in progress. The project was launched last March by ACME and Oman government authority Tatweer, and added KBR as technology partner last October.

Hydrogen City & green ammonia from the Port of Corpus Christi

Green Hydrogen International will lead development of the world’s largest green hydrogen production & storage hub in Duval County, Texas. Hydrogen City features 60 GW of solar & wind energy generation, which will power production of 2.5 million tonnes of green hydrogen. Salt cavern storage and ammonia production are among the target end-uses, with green ammonia to be exported to international markets from the Port of Corpus Christi. A similar, GW-scale project is already under development in Corpus Christi: the Gulf Coast green fuels hub.

Next Level Solid Oxide Electrolysis

A high-powered consortium of academic & industry partners - VoltaChem, TNO, ISPT, Air Liquide, BP, and OCI - will explore the upscaling potential of solid oxide electrolysis (SOEC) to an industrial scale. One of the industrial applications to be investigated is the use of SOEC technology for hydrogen production at an ammonia plant. The study aims to present a viable roadmap forward for an SOEC demonstration integrated into an existing petrochemical facility.

Global Centre for Maritime Decarbonisation and Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center join forces

Two maritime ammonia heavyweights - the Global Centre for Maritime Decarbonisation and the Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center - have signed a long-term agreement to accelerate the maritime industry’s decarbonisation efforts. The Global Centre for Maritime Decarbonisation is currently overseeing a comprehensive ammonia bunkering study that will enable ammonia bunkering trials to proceed at two Singapore locations to start in 2023.

Fortescue begins work on Queensland electrolyser plant

Fortescue Future Industries’ 2 GW per annum electrolyser manufacturing plant in Queensland has officially broken ground in construction, and is on track to begin operations next year. FFI and Plug Power are equal partners in the electrolyser plant, which will manufacture Plug Power’s electrolyser units. The first electrolyser units off the process line in 2023 have already been earmarked for installation at FFI’s planned green hydrogen production facility in Gibson Island, Brisbane, next door to Incitec Pivot Limited’s existing ammonia plant. Agreements between FFI and state-owned power utilities were signed this week to plug Gibson Island electrolysers into Queensland’s power grid.

Ammonia-ready, ammonia-fueled and on-water ammonia production

Following last month’s shipbuilding news from China, this week we explore three ammonia-related announcements from Norway-based players:

1. Breeze Ship Design’s ammonia-fueled oil tanker design, with a demonstration vessel to be eventually chartered to Equinor.

2. An order for six ammonia-ready, robotic offshore vessels from VARD.

3. And the P2XFloater, a new vessel concept from H2Carrier for the world’s first floating, industrial-scale ammonia production plant.

Ammonigy: Speedboats powered by green ammonia

In order to demonstrated ammonia-fueled solutions in a variety of applications, Stuttgart-based organisation Ammonigy has developed two patented technologies: a modular cracking unit that provides hydrogen to act as an “igniter” for the ammonia fuel, and an exhaust treatment system to minimise NOx emissions from the engine. But, while the principles behind Ammonigy’s technology solutions are very familiar to our readers, using them to convert a speedboat to run on ammonia fuel is certainly new! This week we explore results from testing on the GREEN AMY: the world’s first ammonia-powered speedboat.

Green Maritime Corridors - A catalyst for transition to green shipping fuels

The ports of Los Angeles and Shanghai have announced the intention to create a green shipping corridor across the Pacific Ocean. The ambition is for ships trading between these ports to run on alternative low greenhouse gas emission fuels. Ammonia stands among the options as such an alternative.

There is a clear willingness from key players at the LA end of this trans-Pacific shipping corridor to embrace alternative fuel solutions and work together to unlock a suite of zero emissions technologies, albeit limited to an onshore focus for now. Shifting focus onto the water - where ammonia maritime fuel will undoubtedly play a critical role - is the logical next step.

South Africa launches Hydrogen Society Roadmap

Four "catalytic" projects will provide momentum for the new roadmap, driving the rollout of at least 15 GW of electrolysis capacity between them by 2040. Ammonia is a feature of all these kick-off projects, and the government sees ammonia's primary role in the transition as decarbonising energy-intensive industries in South Africa.