Site items in: Content by Author Frank Yu

Leaping into Net Zero Future by Competitive Green Hydrogen

Envision Hydrogen is a world leading technology provider and system integrator for green hydrogen-related opportunities and business. We have set up our innovation and production base globally. We are capable of integrated engineering for green hydrogen business and electrolyzer. Currently, our net zero industrial park for green hydrogen in Chifeng is on the way of completion, and we are planning to develop the largest green ammonia and low carbon methanol base in north China.

Dancing with wind solution for the green hydrogen and green ammonia plant

What renewable energy contradicts the existing traditional ammonia synthesis system the most is fluctuating power output. Envision Group strives to solve this problem. “Dancing With Wind Solution” means with the help of integrated control system and management system, Envision is right now designing dynamic system optimization of the ammonia synthesis process. When the wind speed changes, all the downstream processes and systems will change their power input requirements accordingly.

Envision Energy - green hydrogen and green ammonia business

Envision Group is a world leading net-zero tech supplier that aspires to solve the challenges for a sustainable future, with the integrated full value chain of the green new industry from upstream wind power supply to downstream industrial gases. Envision targets decarbonization at scale and offers a variety of solution such as sales of equipment & system, turn-key project handover, operation & maintainance and chemical process design solution. With a firm start in Chifeng city & Jinzhou port, Envision is right now constructing large scale green hydrogen & ammonia projects in mainland China, which will be on-stream by the end…