Site items in: Content by Author Glenn Lansford

From Japan to North America, Striving for a Low Carbon Future through Advances in Ammonia Production

The transition to a low carbon future is a paramount global challenge, requiring innovative solutions that transcend geographical boundaries. IHI has made promising strides in ammonia production technologies, usage technologies, and engineering for a sustainable energy transformation. The presentation explains the journey from Japan’s pioneering role in utilizing ammonia as an energy carrier, including its use as a co-firing fuel in a pulverized coal power plant, to North America’s adaptation and expansion of these advancements. Amid the drive to curb carbon emissions, this presentation underscores the significance of global knowledge sharing in pursuit of cutting-edge ammonia-based solutions.

IHI’s Development of Ammonia Combustions Technologies / Fuel Ammonia and Hydrogen Solutions

IHI, as a pioneer in the development of the ammonia value chain, has been developing fuel ammonia technology for the last decade. Utilizing existing infrastructure that is either already in place or that can be readily modified, fuel ammonia is highly anticipated as a critical resource to reach a carbon-neutral society. In the presentation, IHI will highlight its involvement in the development of combustion technologies of fuel ammonia for power generation.  A specific focus will be placed on the ongoing development and implementation of 20% ammonia co-combustion in existing coal fired power plants.  The presentation will feature the JERA demonstration…