Maritime FAQ and RAQ: Whitepaper Registration
Whitepaper Registration:
Ammonia as a Maritime Fuel: Frequently and Rarely Asked Questions
The AEA intends to publish a whitepaper that addresses frequently and rarely asked questions from a set of stakeholder perspectives across the maritime ammonia value-chain. The answers to these questions will assist with the removal of barriers for the uptake of ammonia as fuel for the maritime sector.
The whitepaper will present answers to “frequently asked questions” but it will also seek to identify critical questions that may be as-yet unanswered. It will contain a stakeholder perspective including, but not limited to, the public, shipowners and operators, equipment makers, banks and insurers, policy makers and regulators, class societies, shipyards, fuel producers and bunkering providers, ports and cargo owners. It will help to identify barriers to the use of ammonia as a maritime fuel which are yet to be widely understood. Where available the status of progress to overcome these barriers will be detailed. The whitepaper will be illustrated with relevant overviews of industry development, such as technology adoption, rules and regulations, standards etc.
Working Group Establishment
To pursue this initiative the AEA is establishing a Maritime Ammonia Enabling Questions Working Group (MAQ), which will be responsible for directing the AEA staff who will write this report. The Working Group will define the structure and content of the report, participate in workshops as needed, oversee the development of the report, and provide final approval for the conclusions and positions it contains. Working Group participants may also wish to contribute text, images, and data, and may want to have a role in disseminating the finished report in public.
All AEA Members are entitled to participate in this working group and external experts will be invited to contribute as appropriate. The Working Group will disband upon completion of the report, estimated to be before the end of December 2022. The AEA may wish to review and reissue future editions of this work and would relaunch the Working Group to oversee that project.
Working Schedule
Most Working Group input can be provided through e-mail or via direct engagement with AEA staff, but the workplan is structured around four Working Group meetings, with the following proposed schedule:
- Meeting 1: Kick-off and Project Definition. Mid-August.
- Meeting 2: Workshop: 360° Maritime Ammonia Enabling Questions. September.
- Meeting 3: First Draft. October.
- Meeting 4: Final draft and launch plan. November.
A PDF with full information about the proposed whitepaper structure and Working Group purpose and schedule is available at the following link:
Ammonia as a Maritime Fuel: Frequently and Rarely Asked Questions – Project Definition
If you would like to join this working group please provide your details below and submit the form.