Our latest Ammonia Project Features webinar focused on the social license to operate for low and zero-carbon ammonia energy projects. Sam Bartlett from the Green Hydrogen Organisation explained the details of his organisation’s new “Green Hydrogen Standard”, which not only incorporates emissions, but also the environmental, social and governance consequences of a production project. Jonathan Cocker from Borden Ladner Gervais LLP then took us through the key challenges for obtaining social license, and what we can learn from other industries and case studies already in progress around the world.
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The social license to operate low and zero-carbon ammonia energy projects
Kevin Rouwenhorst September 02, 2022
Sustainable, equitable development of ammonia projects
Join BLG and the Green Hydrogen Organisation to explore equitable development & climate justice considerations for ammonia project developers, with examples from Canada and global certification development.
Towards Global Ammonia Energy Certification Standards
Considerable attention is now being paid to both life-cycle carbon intensity standards and guarantees of origin for many low carbon fuels, including ammonia energy, to ensure that international trade may be facilitated, expedited, and given priority guarantees of market access under long-term supply agreements. Standardisation and certification are crucial to these markets. Further, the prospect of commanding a “clean/green” market premium, which buyers in markets such as the European Union and East Asia may be prepared to pay for ammonia energy imports, may also set the necessary impulses to stimulate the domestic ammonia energy economies around the world. Certifications can,…