The move to production of green ammonia using hydrogen produced from renewable energy raises the need to manage a variable production of hydrogen with a demand that has traditionally been constant 24/7. Whilst ammonia plants have some ability to ramp production rates, there are limits to this and any operation at reduced capacity will mean that their annualized cost recovery must be amortised over reduced production. Thus there is an apparent need for buffer storage corresponding to one or two days of hydrogen feedstock. This talk will introduce a new approach to underground storage of hydrogen that is being commercialized…
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Japan – a future market for Australian solar ammonia
Japan and Australia are intimately linked in energy trade. Australia counts energy exports as a major source of foreign exchange income and Japan, which uses nearly 4 times the primary energy as Australia, imports nearly all of it. Approximately 40% of Australia’s coal exports are bought by Japan and were worth $AUD15.4 billion in 2012-13. Over 70% of Australia’s LNG exports went to Japan in the same period and earned over $AUD12billion. Future energy supply is high on the agenda for Japan. Currently 43% of its primary energy is in the form of imported oil mostly from the Middle East.…