Two members of the newly-launched Korean Green Ammonia Alliance - Doosan and POSCO - signed an MoU this week with the Pohang-based Research Institute of Industrial Science & Technology (RIST) to develop "Clean Ammonia-Fueled Gas Turbines".
Content Related to RIST (Research Institute of Industrial Science & Technology)
Doosan Heavy Industries, POSCO and RIST to develop ammonia gas turbines
Julian Atchison July 21, 2021
The Korean New Deal and ammonia energy
Julian Atchison April 15, 2021
South Korea has featured in many Ammonia Energy news updates, but often in a scatter gun fashion that lacked the momentum of ammonia energy announcements coming from the other side of the Korea Strait. Now, South Korea is ready to step out from Japan’s shadow as a clean energy innovator and deployer in its own right. We’re seeing the beginnings of a well-articulated strategy to achieve society-wide decarbonisation in South Korea, with a starring role for clean hydrogen and clean ammonia.