Found 95 results for 'south australia'

HyDeal España: green hydrogen & ammonia northern Spain

ArcelorMittal, Enagás, Grupo Fertiberia and DH2 Energy will lead development of the world's largest integrated renewable and competitive hydrogen hub in northwest Spain. Production is due to begin in 2025, with the full-sized project reaching 9.5 GW of solar power and 7.4 GW of installed electrolysers by 2030.

Amongst other uses, green hydrogen from HyDeal España will be used to make green ammonia for Fertiberia’s nearby fertiliser production plant in Avilés. This means that four out of Fertiberia’s ten Spanish production centers all have green ammonia projects in progress.

New benchmark for coal co-firing reported in China

The South China Morning Post reports that China Energy Investment Corporation has successfully demonstrated co-firing 35% ammonia with coal at a power generation unit in Shandong Province. Further technical details emerged from additional Chinese media outlets, including that the pilot test occurred in a 40 MW coal boiler at the Huaneng Yantai coal power plant, and that NOx emissions were reportedly lower than burning pure coal fuel.

Blue ammonia in the Northern Territory & Wyoming

A new, million-tonne per-year blue ammonia project is under development in the Northern Territory, Australia, with gas from the Pedirka Basin (located near Alice Springs) to be used to produce hydrogen, and carbon emissions sequestered in a nearby geological formation. An MoU between project developer Hexagon Energy Materials and FRV Australia will see FRV-owned renewable power (existing or new build) provide electricity to Hexagon's to-be-built hydrogen and ammonia production facilities.

In Wyoming, North Shore Energy and Starwood Energy Group have received over $4 million in funding from the Wyoming Energy Authority for "Project Phoenix" - a state-of-the-art ammonia complex with on-site carbon capture and sequestration capabilities to be built near Evanston.

Chilean government awards $50 million for key green projects

CORFO - Chile's state-owned economic development agency - announced that US$50 million would be spread across six key green hydrogen projects, with the aim of attracting foreign investment and fast-tracking the start of green hydrogen production. Of particular interest to our readers is the HyEx project in Antofagasta, where explosives manufacturer Enaex have agreed to off take green hydrogen from ENGIE's to-be-built plant to produce green ammonia (and ultimately ammonium nitrate explosives for use in the mining industry).

Fortescue's ammonia locomotive one step closer

R&D for ammonia-powered locomotives is full steam ahead in Perth, as Fortescue Future Industries moves onto converting two four-stroke, diesel locomotives to run on ammonia fuel. Deployment of an ammonia-powered demonstration locomotive within their current rail operations is planned for later this year. In other FFI news this week, a technical feasibility study has given the thumbs up for FFI to convert Incitec Pivot's existing Gibson Island ammonia production plant to a green ammonia facility, and a new agreement between Australian energy giant AGL and FFI will see the pair turn the current Liddell and Bayswater coal power stations into a huge green hydrogen hub near Newcastle, NSW.

Fortescue Future Industries powers ahead on green ammonia

Fortescue Future Industries has been hitting the Ammonia Energy headlines of late. All of these various announcements point towards a singular target, announced in June by Fortescue Chairman Andrew Forrest: the supply of 15 million tonnes green hydrogen to global markets by 2030. Taken on their own these are significant steps, but COP26 was also the stage for a number of other significant ammonia and hydrogen-related announcements by FFI. Over the last fortnight we've seen the launch of green ammonia production projects in Papua New Guinea, Jordan & Argentina, buyers announced for a full 10% of FFI's global green hydrogen production, a partnership to decarbonise aviation and more developments in the electrolyser space.

Woodside outlines scale for green ammonia project in Tasmania

Woodside Energy secured land this week for its H2TAS project in Bell Bay, Tasmania. A long-term lease on a partially-cleared project site nearby the Bell Bay Advanced Manufacturing Zone will be home to up to 1.7 GW of electrolysers, and a target production of 200,000 tonnes per year green ammonia. Last month Woodside also announced the H2Perth project: a world-scale, 1,500 tonnes per day hydrogen production facility aimed at local markets for refueling fuel cell vehicles, and international markets via export in the form of liquefied hydrogen or ammonia.

Green ammonia in Angola

Australia-based Minbos Resources and Angola's Ministry of Agriculture agreed on a plan to develop green ammonia and fertiliser production in the African country. Powered by the Capanda Hydroelectric Dam, an ammonia & fertiliser production facility will be built within heavy road transport distance of Angola's key agricultural and mining regions. The announcement is one of many in 2021 that focuses on turning existing ammonia importers into producers (and in some cases, export powerhouses!).

Origin Energy and Mitsui O.S.K. to collaborate on green ammonia

Australia-based Origin Energy and shipping company Mitsui O.S.K Lines (MOL) have joined forces to explore where they can develop the green ammonia supply chain between Australia and Asia. The new joint study (to be completed by the end of this year) will also determine the feasibility of Australian green ammonia export projects supplying key markets by 2026.

Another Green Supergiant for InterContinental Energy: 50 GW, 20 million tonnes of green ammonia capacity

The first three projects from InterContinental's portfolio have now been announced. In 2014 there was the Asian Renewable Energy Hub in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. This May we reported on the announcement of the Oman mega-project. And this week InterContinental announced its newest Green Supergiant (and the second to be located in Western Australia): the Western Green Energy Hub.