Site items in: Presentations

Ammonia terminal in port areas: safety and image issues in storage, throughput and transport

Ammonia is an important carrier of hydrogen which is very interesting considering the search for alternative energy sources. The world is looking for ways to reduce our global carbon footprint, and this will give opportunities for ammonia. Preferred location for terminals are port areas, especially in situations where energy is obtained by solar energy and where ammonia is used as a way to transport this energy to less sunny parts where energy is needed. But how about the risks of storage, handling and transportation of ammonia? And what is the public image on the risks of ammonia, and how to…

Ammonia as a marine fuel – bunkering operation and dispersion simulations

Global warming is linked strongly to increased greenhouse gas (GHG) concentration in the earth’s atmosphere. The maritime cluster plays a critical role in reducing GHG emissions by replacing fuels of fossil origin with low-carbon or carbon-free alternatives. As a carbon-free fuel, anhydrous ammonia has received much attention recently due to its established production technology, distribution infrastructure, and satisfactory energy density as a marine fuel. Unlike normal ambient liquid fuels, ammonia relies on refrigeration or pressurization to maintain the liquid phase. Boil-off gas (BOG) can be generated at constant pressure by the addition of heat to saturated liquid and involves significant…

Sunborne Systems: bringing keystone technologies to market for the global zero-carbon energy infrastructure

At Sunborne Systems, we are developing zero-carbon ammonia-based solutions for heavy transport and high-energy industrial applications. Our keystone technologies are initially focussed on early opportunities in the maritime industry and have high disruption potential across multiple other hard-to-abate sectors. Sunborne Systems was announced a year ago at COP26 in Glasgow and is a joint venture technology company formed by STFC, Reaction Engines and IP Group building upon the technical strengths of Reaction Engines and STFC in thermal management and catalyst chemistry and their in-common expertise in system design and optimisation.

Ammonia for power generation: a new, efficient, low-emissions generator made possible with software enabled technology and precise flameless reaction control

Customers who have historically wanted to use ammonia for power generation have been limited to co-firing with coal or diesel in order to overcome ammonia’s high ignition temperature and slow chemical kinetics. This process comes at a price; carbon emissions, added costs for blending, and significant drops in power output. Fortunately there is a new and cost effective alternative for ammonia-based power generation, one that’s uniquely positioned to run off of 100% ammonia without any reductions in power or efficiency. Precise reaction control, thanks to software-enabled technology, permits the Mainspring Linear Generator to manage fuel compression ratios and utilize a…

Economic analysis for hydrogen - ammonia decarbonization of a natural gas plant - a phased approach

This paper summarizes a comprehensive technical and economic analysis of a hydrogen-ammonia upgrade to an existing 42 MW natural gas plant. A phased approach is carefully chosen which deploys low-carbon technology in modules which are palatable by large-scale utility customers. The objective is to minimize capital costs of the conversion while maximizing decarbonization as each phase is deployed. A phased approach delivers optionality to utilities which are often locked into carbon-emitting technologies by protracted investment durations. Phase one details implementation of an on-site thermal pyrolysis system. Existing natural gas infrastructure and plant waste heat are used to provide clean hydrogen.…

Program on combustion of ammonia and ammonia-hydrogen mixtures for power generation

GTI Energy and the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) have embarked on fundamental and applied investigations of ammonia as an alternative energy carrier under a joint program known as Low-Carbon Resources Initiative (LCRI). Focus is on applications under turbine operating conditions for both ammonia and ammonia-hydrogen mixtures. Participating teams members include the University of Central Florida (UCF), Georgia Institute of Technology and CRAFT Tech. Experimental, conceptual designs of combustors and computational efforts are underway since late 2021 and results to-date will be presented. The presentation will also include expanded tasks related to in-depth pursuit of the topic made possible through…