Site items in: China


With commercial deployment scheduled to start this June, both WinGD and MAN ES’s under-development ammonia fueled engines have reported promising results across performance, ammonia safety and emissions optimisation parameters. MAN ES and MITSUI have also commenced a commercial-scale prototype test of the MITSUI-MAN ES large-bore, low-speed, two-stroke ammonia engine in Tamano, Japan.


Meet Foshan Xianhu Laboratory and Monalisa Group, two partners in an ammonia for heat demonstration project in China. In September 2024, ammonia fuel completely replaced gas in one production line for manufacturing of ceramic tiles at Monalisa’s Guangdong plant. The fuel switch did not compromise the color and quality of the produced ceramic tiles, and partners are working to roll ammonia fuel out onto other production lines.


The Energy Bureau of Inner Mongolia has released plans for a common-user hydrogen pipeline infrastructure network throughout the region. This will support development of a series of renewable ammonia projects, and adds to the growing list of hydrogen pipeline projects across China. To transport the ammonia to key future demand centres (such as power plants and ports), ammonia pipelines may be the next step.