Site items in: Europe

Renewable ammonia production on Curaçao and the Canary Islands

Two sets of academic analyses highlight the huge potential for renewable energy and ammonia fuel to wean island states off fossil fuel use. Researchers from the University of Twente propose a highly-integrated energy generation and storage system for the Caribbean nation of Curaçao, with battery storage and ammonia fuel to offset periods of low wind-power output. On the Canary Islands, researchers from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria present their concept for a “hexa-generation” energy system to produce electricity, water, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and - ultimately - ammonia.

Renewable ammonia in Portugal

Madoqua Renewables, Power2X and Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners will jointly develop a new project in Sines, Portugal. Renewable hydrogen production will be integrated with a conventional Haber Bosch synthesis plant to produce up to 500,000 tonnes of ammonia per year, with an expansion phase to double that capacity.

Barents Blue project updates

In recent updates for the Barents Blue project in far-north Norway:

  • a long-term carbon storage license & zoning approval have both been granted to Horisont Energi.
  • Horisont and Koole Terminals will work together to develop an ammonia import terminal and distribution point at the Port of Rotterdam.
  • and E.ON will bring their expertise in carbon capture & liquefaction to the project, having recently acquired a 25% stake in Horisont.