Site items in: Japan

JERA concludes successful co-firing trial at Hekinan

JERA and IHI have successfully concluded a large-scale ammonia co-firing trial at the Hekinan power station. For two months, 20% fuel substitution in the 1 GW-sized Unit 4 was achieved, with stable operations throughout. JERA aims to have commercial ammonia co-firing operations up and running by March 2025.

Offtake term sheets signed for Indian renewable ammonia

Sojitz and Kyushu Electric will offtake the full volume of ammonia production from the first phase of Sembcorp’s under-development production project in India, with the intention to supply various industrial customers in the Kyushu region of Japan. In more term sheet news, Avaada will supply renewable ammonia to Mysore, a distributor of ammonia to Indian customers.

Transitioning to ammonia & hydrogen power in Chugoku, Japan

The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry has published a regional strategy to decarbonise the power generation ecosystem in the Chugoku region, Japan. The strategy predicts the region will require more than 3 million tons of fuel ammonia by 2030, and highlights several ongoing industrial initiatives to demonstrate the use of ammonia fuel & establish local import infrastructure.

JERA’s new growth strategy: significant role for ammonia

From near-zero volumes today, JERA has set its sights on being a “pioneer player” in the emerging global value chain for ammonia, handling 7 million tons every year by 2035. JERA is also aiming for 100% substitution of ammonia fuel in ultra-supercritical power stations in the 2040s, and to maintain currently low levels of NOX and SOX emissions from its power generating fleet.