Site items in: Netherlands

H2Global launches next auction round

The second edition of H2Global’s supply-side auction is organised into five lots - four regional and one global - with around €500 million committed for each eventual contract. Full details for prospective bidders (including roadshow events) are now available.

H2Global prepares for second auction round

H2Global’s new €3 billion auction for long-term supplies of renewable hydrogen and its derivatives has received EU approval, including €1.2 billion for regional funding in Canada and Australia. H2Global also progressed partnerships with the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, and the Solar Energy Corporation of India.

New green maritime corridor to link Portugal with northern Europe

Madoqua and Mitsui O.S.K. Lines will lead development of the corridor. Industry partners in the consortium include financiers, terminal operators, Port authorities, alternative fuel producers and offtakers. The transportation of liquified CO2 along the corridor will help establish a supply chain for sequestration of carbon emissions in Norway at Horisont Energi’s Gismarvik CO2 hub.

Ohmium to develop PEM electrolysers for floating ammonia production

Ohmium will develop 300 MW of PEM electrolyser capacity for SwitcH2’s offshore hydrogen and ammonia production vessel. Moored off the coast of southern Europe, the 268m-long vessel will be powered by nearshore renewable energy, and the electrolysers fed by desalinated seawater, producing enough ammonia to “fuel multiple oceangoing vessels for a full year”.

Updated PGS-12 code: Preparing for increased ammonia imports to the Netherlands

In our July episode of Project Features, we were joined by the Port of Rotterdam, OCI Global and Chane to explore current and future ammonia imports into Rotterdam. With significant ammonia import targets set for 2050, terminal projects are already underway in Rotterdam, including a four-phase expansion of OCI Terminal Europoort, and a new distribution hub from Chane. These developments will proceed according to a modern, updated set of guidelines for ammonia storage and handling in the Netherlands, known as PGS-12.