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Maritime ammonia: FSRBs, AiPs for bunkering and a new collaboration

In maritime ammonia updates this week:

  • NYK Line, Nihon Shipyard, ClassNK, and IHI Corporation have signed a joint R&D agreement for the commercialisation of an ammonia floating storage and regasification barge (A-FSRB).
  • DNV has granted Approval in Principle to Azane Fuel Solutions for their flexible ammonia bunkering terminal design. The Approval allows Azane and partner Yara to proceed with their bunker network rollout across Scandinavia.
  • And US-based Amogy & Amon Maritime will collaborate to jointly develop ammonia-powered shipping solutions, including the use of Amogy’s technology platform in Amon’s future projects.

More funding for ammonia energy: ReMo & Monolith

ReMo Energy has just closed a successful $5 million seed funding round to develop renewable ammonia production solutions for the US Midwest. Monolith Materials announced a successful funding round of $300 million (investors include BlackRock and Temasek) to further develop its methane pyrolysis technology, expand existing facilities and clear a “deep backlog” of to-be-developed hydrogen & ammonia projects.