Site items in: Ammonia Energy Import/Export

Air Products and Gunvor to develop new import terminal in Rotterdam

Air Products and Gunvor will jointly develop a renewable ammonia import terminal at Gunvor Petroleum’s existing refinery & distribution facilities in Rotterdam Europoort. The partners expect to be providing hydrogen to the Netherlands in 2026, with the new terminal receiving imports of renewable ammonia from Air Products production projects around the world. The new project is now the third ammonia import terminal under development at the Port of Rotterdam, and comes the same week as Dutch gas network operator Gasunie announced that it had started construction of a national hydrogen distribution network in the Netherlands.

ExxonMobil’s Slagen terminal to become a low-emissions hub

ExxonMobil, Grieg Edge, North Ammonia, and GreenH will explore options to transform Exxon’s existing Slagen terminal into a production & distribution hub for renewable ammonia and hydrogen maritime fuels. The group has identified the potential to produce 200,000 tonnes of electrolytic hydrogen production per year at the site, as well as distributing 100,000 tonnes per year of renewable ammonia. Exxon’s wider plans for low-carbon ammonia also include two large-scale production hubs (one each in the US and the UK).

Renewable ammonia exports from Angola by 2024

Angola’s state-owned energy company Sonangol has signed an agreement with two German engineering firms to build a 280,000 tonne per year renewable ammonia production plant on the country’s northern coast. Exports to the EU are expected to begin in 2024, with a supply of hydroelectricity already secured.

OCI to expand ammonia import capabilities at Rotterdam

OCI will expand its ammonia import terminal at the Port of Rotterdam, increasing throughput capacity from 400,000 tonnes per year to 1.2 million tonnes per year by 2023. A second phase of expansion is planned, and will involve construction of a new, “world-scale” ammonia storage tank to bring throughput capacities above 3 million tonnes per year.

Aramco targets 11 million tonnes of low-carbon ammonia production by 2030

Aramco is targeting production of 11 million tonnes per year of low-carbon ammonia by 2030, among a raft of new sustainability goals announced this week. Aramco’s target for renewable energy generating capacity target (12 GW) will be met by its involvement in the new ammonia Supergiant the Saudi Arabia Renewable Energy Hub, but the source of low-carbon ammonia production is not yet clear.

GCMD & DNV: Pioneering Ammonia Bunkering Safety in Singapore

Our latest episode of Maritime Ammonia Insights revealed key details about the Ammonia Bunkering Safety Study currently being undertaken in Singapore. The study is led by the Global Center for Maritime Decarbonisation (GCMD), with DNV acting as a consulting partner. Lau Wei Jie (GCMD) took us through the high-profile lineup of study partners, and explained how the study aims to develop an extensive technical guideline for ammonia bunkering, similar to TR 56 (which covers LNG bunkering). Dr. Imran Ibrahim (DNV Maritime Advisory), then explained the technical scope of the study, how pilot project sites will be selected, and how the study partners are using previous work from Rotterdam and Oslo to hone their approach. Our audience was eager to understand how this work in Singapore might be applied elsewhere, and keenly awaits the results, which are due for public release in February 2023.

ACME planning million-tonne-per-year renewable ammonia plant in India

ACME Group and the Government of Karnataka have signed a new MoU for a renewable hydrogen & ammonia project in southwest India. The $7 billion project will feature a 1.2 million tonne per year ammonia plant. Karnataka will sit alongside ACME’s renewable ammonia projects in Rajasthan (pilot-scale) and Oman (mega-scale). In related news, ACME signed a new MoU with NYK Line in late May for the latter to become the “strategic shipping partner” for its ammonia projects.

South Korean consortium to build renewable ammonia production in UAE

KEPCO, Samsung C&T, and Korea Western Power will join forces with UAE-based developer Petrolyn Chemie to construct a 200,000 tonne per year renewable ammonia production plant in the KIZAD Industrial Area near Abu Dhabi. The announcement marks the second overseas ammonia project launched by a Korean consortium this year, the first being an export project in Malaysia announced in January.

On the home front for South Korea, a new amendment to the national hydrogen law will see certification of clean hydrogen based entirely on carbon emissions during production, and not technology pathways.

New ammonia partnerships in Japan, Indonesia

JGC Corporation has entered into a series of new ammonia partnerships. As part of a wider agreement to license KBR’s patented ammonia production technology, a new renewable ammonia pilot plant will be developed near Fukushima. JGC will team up in an “alliance agreement” with TOYO Corporation to develop fuel ammonia production projects and import terminals in Japan. And in Indonesia - where TOYO is currently assessing the feasibility of retrofitting an existing ammonia plant to run entirely on renewable energy - JGC and Indonesia’s national energy organisation Pertamina will collaborate on key decarbonisation projects.