Presentation2012 Keynote Address — Enabling NH3 Fuel Eddie Sturman 2012 Keynote Address — Enabling NH3 Fuel Eddie Sturman, Sturman Industries
PresentationNH3 Fuel in a Compression Ignition Adaptive Digital Power Engine Mike BowmanCarol SturmanEddie Sturman NH3 Fuel in a Compression Ignition Adaptive Digital Power Engine Eddie Sturman, Carol Sturman, and Mike Bowman, Sturman Industries
PresentationUpdate on Ammonia Engine Development Using Direct Fuel Injection Matthias VeltmanSong-Charng Kong Update on Ammonia Engine Development Using Direct Fuel Injection Matthias Veltman and S-C Kong, Iowa State University
PresentationResults of Various NH3 Engine Developments Mike Bowery Results of Various NH3 Engine Developments Mike Bowery, Eliminator Products
PresentationA Comparison of Combustion Promoters for Ammonia Shawn GrannellCasey StackDonald Gillespie A Comparison of Combustion Promoters for Ammonia Shawn Grannell, Casey Stack and Don Gillespie, NH3Car
PresentationAmmonia Combustion in Spark Ignition Engine Conditions Catherine DuynslaegherHerve JeanmartJacques Vandooren Ammonia Combustion in Spark Ignition Engine Conditions Catherine Duynslaegher, Hervé Jeanmart, and Jacques Vandooren, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium
PresentationNH3 Diesel Update — Fuel Injection Strategies Matthias VeltmanSong-Charng Kong NH3 Diesel Update — Fuel Injection Strategies Matthias Veltman and Song Charng Kong, Iowa State University
PresentationNH3 ICE Hot Rod Demo Mike BoweryTed Hollinger NH3 ICE Hot Rod Demo Mike Bowery, Eliminator Products, and Ted Hollinger, Hydrogen Engine Center
PresentationUse of Liquid Ammonia Fuel Emulsions in a Diesel Engine Vito AgostaJames Harbach Use of Liquid Ammonia Fuel Emulsions in a Diesel Engine Vito Agosta and James Harbach, U.S. Merchant Marine Academy
PresentationCombustion Efficiency and Exhaust Emissions of Ammonia Combustion in Diesel Engines Song-Charng Kong Combustion Efficiency and Exhaust Emissions of Ammonia Combustion in Diesel Engines Song-Charng Kong, Iowa State University