Site items in: Ammonia Markets

NH3 from Renewable-source Electricity, Water, and Air: Technology Options and Economics Modeling

Our company, Alaska Applied Sciences, Inc. has developed a simple cost modeling tool based on capital recovery factor (CRF), for a client, to analyze, “Under what conditions will the technology in question produce NH3, at a plant gate cost competitive with NH3 from extant sources, from renewable-source electricity, water, and air?” We will report the results of several case assumptions based on Electrolysis plus Haber-Bosch technology. We will also present a catalog of apparently credible technologies for synthesizing NH3 from renewables-source electricity, water, and air.

Expanding the Market for Renewable NH3

This report describes the market conditions for various projects using the Solid State Ammonia Synthesis (SSAS) Renewable NH3 process. We address the following activities: possible issues with the scale of the process, some schemes that induce a population to change fuel sources for their energy needs, financial requirements for the creation of new renewable energy sources and new SSAS plants. We discuss methods of monetization for producers, and some of the issues related to the risks of such monetization, and we suggest ways that Renewable NH3 can be a valuable investment as well as an energy source. The conclusion is…

Ammonia Economy – The Global Potential

The development of the ammonia economy will depend on successful deployment of a range of new technologies in the context of the existing ammonia industry and the world’s many existing energy markets. This report will provide framework on: Supply/demand and status of the global ammonia industry. Plausible response of growth and prices in response to a giant new market in fuels. New incremental applications which may lead to ‘disruptive innovation’ and rapid takeoff for ammonia fuels. Barriers to takeoff.