Site items in: Ammonia Storage

New terminal infrastructure for ammonia energy imports: Japan, Netherlands & Africa

IHI & Vopak will explore the development and operation of large-scale ammonia terminals in Japan, focused on the cost-effective distribution of ammonia imports. In the Netherlands, Proton Ventures reports that work on the conversion of Vesta Terminal’s existing site into an ammonia import hub is on schedule for FID to be made by 2024. And in other Proton Ventures news, the organisation has been awarded a FEED contract with Geldof to develop an ammonia terminal in Western Africa.

Safety and the marine ammonia engine

As part of our Maritime Ammonia Insights webinar series, we explored the safety learnings gained so far during the development of maritime ammonia fueled engines, as well as existing best practices for safe ammonia handling. John Mott (ASTI), Kaj Portin and Laura Sariola (both Wärtsilä) were joined in conversation by Conor Furstenberg Stott.

Preparing the Netherlands for large-scale ammonia imports

As Europe is expected to import a significant part of its hydrogen needs, ammonia cracking will play a key role. New results from a pre-feasibility study shed light on important considerations for efficient, safe deployment of industrial scale cracking at Rotterdam. Modernisation of the Netherland’s official ammonia storage and loading guideline also shows that fit-for-purpose regulation will be important to meet the demands of a fast-growing ammonia industry.

Unlocking ammonia offtake through a fully functional import supply chain

New industry partnerships between suppliers, offtakers and existing infrastructure owners will boost confidence for project developers in the fast-growing renewable ammonia industry. Recent announcements from Namibia, Germany and Norway demonstrate that a comprehensive ammonia supply chain is being established between Europe and key global locations, making FID & project investment decisions more straightforward.