Site items in: Ammonia Storage

Ammonia terminal in port areas: safety and image issues in storage, throughput and transport

Ammonia is an important carrier of hydrogen which is very interesting considering the search for alternative energy sources. The world is looking for ways to reduce our global carbon footprint, and this will give opportunities for ammonia. Preferred location for terminals are port areas, especially in situations where energy is obtained by solar energy and where ammonia is used as a way to transport this energy to less sunny parts where energy is needed. But how about the risks of storage, handling and transportation of ammonia? And what is the public image on the risks of ammonia, and how to…

Ammonia as a marine fuel – bunkering operation and dispersion simulations

Global warming is linked strongly to increased greenhouse gas (GHG) concentration in the earth’s atmosphere. The maritime cluster plays a critical role in reducing GHG emissions by replacing fuels of fossil origin with low-carbon or carbon-free alternatives. As a carbon-free fuel, anhydrous ammonia has received much attention recently due to its established production technology, distribution infrastructure, and satisfactory energy density as a marine fuel. Unlike normal ambient liquid fuels, ammonia relies on refrigeration or pressurization to maintain the liquid phase. Boil-off gas (BOG) can be generated at constant pressure by the addition of heat to saturated liquid and involves significant…

New ammonia import & export terminals

At Vlissingen in the Netherlands, Uniper & Vesta Terminals will explore the feasibility of developing a new ammonia import hub in northwest Europe, based on Vesta’s existing 60,000m3 ammonia storage facility. Also this week, Proton Ventures is currently developing a state-of-the-art ammonia export terminal for an oil & gas major in the UAE, which will feature the “biggest ammonia tanks ever built in the Middle East”.

OCI to expand ammonia import capabilities at Rotterdam

OCI will expand its ammonia import terminal at the Port of Rotterdam, increasing throughput capacity from 400,000 tonnes per year to 1.2 million tonnes per year by 2023. A second phase of expansion is planned, and will involve construction of a new, “world-scale” ammonia storage tank to bring throughput capacities above 3 million tonnes per year.

NOV: Subsea storage of fuel ammonia

A high-profile industry consortium (including Equinor, Shell and ABS) will validate NOV’s subsea fuel storage system. NOV argues subsea storage will be a crucial element for effective distribution of ammonia as an alternative maritime fuel. Validation testing is expected to be completed by the end of next year, with the first projects deployed late 2024 to 2025.

ACE Terminal: importing ammonia to Rotterdam from 2026

Gasunie, HES International and Vopak will develop an import terminal for ammonia on Rotterdam’s Maasvlakte, with operations to begin in 2026 under the name ACE Terminal. While green imports are the long-term focus, blue ammonia imports are possible in the initial phase. The design will leverage existing ammonia infrastructure on Maasvlakte. New build features include a deep-sea berth for large vessels and possibly an ammonia cracker.

Ammonia logistics

This presentation will cover logistics in general for ammonia in the USA. In particular, what are the challenges of rail pressures on ammonia transport? What, if any, policy goal does TFI pursue to address challenges with the rail industry?