Site items in: Electrolysis

MadoquaPower2X project progresses in Portugal

Launched in 2022, MAIRE Tecnimont will complete FEED for the MadoquaPower2X project in Sines, Portugal, as well as an EPC proposal for construction. The project will feature up to 1 GW of alkaline electrolysis capacity, feeding the production of 300,000 tons per year of ammonia. Terminal facilities will include large-scale storage, enabling the export of ammonia to northwest Europe.

Renewable ammonia in China: full speed ahead

China is keeping pace with IEA predictions for electrolyzer installations, with as much as 55% of the world’s total capacity to be installed there by 2028. Coupled with strong wind-power resources, domestic manufacturing capabilities and multiple economic drivers to transition away from coal-based ammonia production, China is ideally positioned to speed up the deployment of renewable ammonia projects.

New research reveals benefits of

A research team from Griffith & Oxford Universities concludes that, with the right approach, multiple world-scale, renewable ammonia plants could operate on the Queensland coast, supporting the deep decarbonisation of the electricity grid. Flexible plants can provide “green ammonia value chain-based” demand response services, representing a potential answer to Australia’s winter energy problem.

India launches subsidy scheme for renewable ammonia production

The Indian government has launched a new incentive scheme for renewable ammonia, aiming to support the production of 550,000 tonnes per year from 2027. The news comes as the first winners of subsidies for renewable hydrogen production & domestic electrolyser manufacturing were announced. In December, the government also amended an existing scheme to provide financial assistance for new-build vessels powered by green fuels, including ammonia.

Renewable ammonia exports from Brazil: Project Iracema

In our latest episode of Ammonia Project Features, we explored Project Iracema: a grid-connected, renewable ammonia production facility under-development in Pecem, northeast Brazil. To discuss Brazil’s unique electricity market, project details and the important role of certification to the project, AEA Technology Manager Kevin Rouwenhorst was joined by Jonas Rechreche (Proton Ventures), Matheus Kleming (Casa dos Ventos) and Ricardo Gedra (CCEE).

Electrolyzer solutions play a fundamental role in Green and Hybrid Ammonia Plants

The first section of the presentation will cover the current technology status of electrolysis with a special focus on industrial and large-scale plants. It will explain different electrolyzer plant configurations according to project size to be used as reference for existing Ammonia plants and different integration capacity. The second part of the presentation will cover main technical and commercial considerations that need to be considered in integrating electrolysis to decarbonize existing gas ammonia facilities, such as: electrolysis integration, impact of the renewable power source, SMR flexibility, auxiliary systems to consider, land availability, O&M considerations, technology scale up, etc.

Renewable ammonia exports from Brazil: Project Iracema

Meet partners developing Project Pecem in the northern state of Ceara, Brazil. The first phase of Project Iracema is set to come online in 2027, with the aim of producing ammonia compliant with certification requirements for the export of the renewable hydrogen to Europe. At full capacity, 2.2 million tonnes of grid-connected ammonia production capacity will be enabled.