Site items in: Emissions

Trinidad & Tobago: future production pathways for the world’s largest ammonia exporter

To explore Trinidad & Tobago' s existing ammonia production capacity and the new imperative to decarbonize, the Energy Chamber of Trinidad & Tobago and Argus Media joined Project Features last month. To maintain its market share in key export destinations and meet climate goals, Trinidad & Tobago has a series of decarbonized ammonia projects underway, including the use of wind, solar and gas-based CCS pathways.

Ammonia Energy Conference 2024: Ammonia for Maritime Propulsion is full speed ahead!

During the recent 2024 Ammonia Energy Conference, we explored all the latest developments in ammonia-powered maritime propulsion. Engine makers reported strong progress ahead of deployment in 2026, the same year that large-scale vessels will hit the water. The panel explored early operations for the ammonia-powered A-Tug in Japan, as well as ancillary technology systems required for maritime ammonia engines, catalyst after-treatment systems for emission mitigation, and the potential for fuel additives to boost ammonia engine performance.

Sunborne reborn!

Despite successfully demonstrating 56kW of controlled combustion of partially cracked ammonia in October 2023, Sunborne Systems was unable to secure Series A funding at the beginning of 2024. Since then, the co-founders have secured UK government funding to tackle two of the challenges set out for Series A funding: to further develop their patented catalysts and to address issues associated with ammonia slippage and NOx emissions. Future opportunities will be discussed.