Site items in: Ocean Energy

Offshore renewable ammonia production on the horizon

SwitcH2 Offshore and CorPower Ocean will develop a 300,000 tons per year offshore renewable ammonia production facility in Portugal, expected to become operational by 2029. Two separate partnerships - Samsung Heavy Industries & Lloyd’s Register, and MISC & Gentari - are also exploring similar floating production projects.

Case Study of Ammonia Production in the Island States Using Ocean Thermal Energy

The world’s oceans are the largest collectors and storage of solar energy and have an enormous potential to supply growing worldwide energy demands, commodity products like ammonia and fresh water. This case study focuses on the island states for implementation of the Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) in the foreseeable future within two decades. Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and other island states exclusively rely on petroleum-liquid based power generation, specifically fuel oil and diesel. For example, power generating capacities of Mauritius, Reunion, St Thomas and St Croix are 480 MW, 435 MW, 200 MW and 120 MW, respectively. Fossil…


Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) is by far the most balanced means to face the challenge of global warming. OTEC is a true triple threat against global warming. It is the only technology that acts to directly reduce the temperature of the ocean (it was estimated one degree Fahrenheit reduction every twenty years for 10,000 250 MWe plants in 1977), eliminates carbon emissions, and increases carbon dioxide absorption (cooler water absorbs more CO2) at the same time. It generates fuel that is portable and efficient, and electricity for coastal areas when moored offshore. It creates jobs, perhaps millions of them,…