Site items in: Pipeline Transport

ACE Terminal: importing ammonia to Rotterdam from 2026

Gasunie, HES International and Vopak will develop an import terminal for ammonia on Rotterdam’s Maasvlakte, with operations to begin in 2026 under the name ACE Terminal. While green imports are the long-term focus, blue ammonia imports are possible in the initial phase. The design will leverage existing ammonia infrastructure on Maasvlakte. New build features include a deep-sea berth for large vessels and possibly an ammonia cracker.

Decarbonising fertiliser production in Iowa via CCS

Navigator will provide carbon transport and storage services to decarbonise OCI's Iowa Fertilizer Company plant via the newly-announced Heartland Greenway CCS system. In the first phase, 500,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide will be captured from process gas at the plant beginning in 2024. This equates to production of 300,000 tonnes of blue ammonia.

6 GW green export project planned for South Australia

The Moolawatana Renewable Hydrogen Project will be constructed on a cattle station north some 570km north of Adelaide, South Australia's capital city. Powered by a mixture of wind and solar generation, the project will connect to an export facility at Port Bonython (around 500km in distance) via pipeline. Water will be sourced from an on-site desalination plant. At this stage, the pipeline will be for dedicated hydrogen transport, and conversion to ammonia will take place at Port Bonython. The Port is being developed as a major hydrogen & ammonia export hub, with the SA state government recently shortlisting seven major projects totaling 1.5 million tonnes per year green hydrogen export.

Ammonia infrastructure: panel wrap-up from the 2020 Ammonia Energy Conference

Infrastructure is key to realising the full potential of ammonia energy, enabling new markets and expanding the existing ones. By 2050 the hydrogen (and by extension, ammonia) market could be 20 times larger than it is today. What future possibilities are there to expand global ammonia production (currently 180 million tonnes per year) or trade volumes across the world’s oceans (currently 18 million tonnes per year)? On November 18, 2020, the Ammonia Energy Association (AEA) hosted a panel discussion moderated by Daniel Morris from KBR, as well as panel members Anthony Teo from DNV GL, Oliver Hatfield from Argus Media, and Michael Goff from Black & Veatch as part of the recent Ammonia Energy Conference. The panel’s insights from a number of different perspectives - market analytics, ship building and operating, as well as pipeline engineering - demonstrated ammonia's potential to become a low- or zero-carbon fuel of choice for the future. Current infrastructure can be adapted, new infrastructure can be built and operated cheaply, and lessons from previous fuel transitions can be taken on board to make the uptake of ammonia energy as smooth as possible.

Distribution of Ammonia as an Energy Carrier

Ammonia can be used as an energy carrier to produce a low carbon fuel that can be transported around the globe. Infrastructure for transporting ammonia is already in place, but as more ammonia is used as an energy source, addition transportation capacity will be required. This presentation will discuss technical and economic data for ammonia distribution. The focus will be on pipeline and ocean transport. A perspective will be provided to identify the typical required infrastructure to produce, store and distribute of the ammonia for the equivalent power plant energy requirement.