Site items in: Power Generation

The role of green ammonia in sector coupling and seasonal electricity storage

Green ammonia (NH3) will have a versatile role in the decarbonisation of large sectors of the global economy. Of these sectors green ammonia will likely have the most competitive potential in decarbonising long-duration energy storage, regional energy and hydrogen transport, shipping propulsion fuel, and replacing existing brown ammonia production for fertiliser and other chemicals. In this presentation, we introduce our modelling on the cross-sector integration of green ammonia into large-scale energy systems, with a case study of India. In the power sector, ammonia may play a role in seasonal storage, system resilience, and electricity import/export. We co-developed the world’s first…

New IEA report: using low-carbon ammonia to decarbonise power

The Role of Low-Carbon Fuels in the Clean Energy Transitions of the Power Sector forecasts a significant role for low-carbon hydrogen and ammonia in decarbonising the power sector, and highlights the promising results of co-firing trials to date (both coal power plants and gas turbines). The report also outlines some key next steps to enable the widespread use of these low-carbon fuels.

Clean ammonia bunkering and distribution in Japan

Yara, JERA and Idemitsu Kosan will collaborate to establish a domestic clean ammonia distribution network and bunkering business in Japan. The distribution network and bunkering will be based at Idemitsu Kosan's Tokuyama Industrial Complex, and builds on an existing partnership between Yara and JERA.

The Los Angeles Clean Energy Target & ammonia energy

This week the Los Angeles City Council voted to transition to 100% clean energy by 2035, in line with President Biden’s national goals and a decade earlier than the city originally planned. This huge rollout of renewable energy generation is expected to be accompanied by a keystone role for renewable hydrogen, ammonia and synthetic methane for combustion-based power generation.