Site items in: Public Perception


Introduction Duiker Combustion Engineers is located in Wateringen-NL (main office) and has a branch office in Beijing (PRC). The core business of Duiker Combustion Engineers consists of development, engineering, supply & servicing of combustion- & process equipment. Duiker is market leader in the engineering & supply of combustion equipment for sulphur recovery units (SRU’s) in oil refineries & gas treatment plants. Combustion of ammonia In recent years, the stoichiometry-controlled oxidation (SCO) concept has been developed by Duiker Combustion Engineers to handle the ammonia-rich streams from sulphur recovery units within refineries. Several full-scale commercial SCO units have already been designed, delivered,…

Importance of Public Perception towards an Ammonia Economy

During development of the technical aspects of any energy project, a social perspective needs to be considered. Public opinion is going to be a fundamental parameter to determine the role of renewables in the future, with decarbonisation meaning innovation towards a comprehensive plan that involves not only technology but also psychology and how these two can benefit from each other. Due to the importance of understanding public perception of ammonia, Cardiff University conducted a study focused on the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, which currently presents high revenues in agriculture and depends on ammonia as a fertiliser. An analysis of stakeholder’s perception of ammonia was carried out to understand the different barriers and drivers of each established group.