Site items in: Renewable Hydrogen

ACWA Power and POSCO join forces on ammonia

Saudi-based ACWA Power and South Korean-based POSCO will join forces to develop new hydrogen and ammonia production projects, with an eye towards decarbonising POSCO’s power generation and steel making activities in South Korea. The pair are already significant players in the ammonia energy space, with POSCO setting ambitious goals for production & imports, and ACWA involved in multiple mega-projects in the Middle East.

Air Products and Gunvor to develop new import terminal in Rotterdam

Air Products and Gunvor will jointly develop a renewable ammonia import terminal at Gunvor Petroleum’s existing refinery & distribution facilities in Rotterdam Europoort. The partners expect to be providing hydrogen to the Netherlands in 2026, with the new terminal receiving imports of renewable ammonia from Air Products production projects around the world. The new project is now the third ammonia import terminal under development at the Port of Rotterdam, and comes the same week as Dutch gas network operator Gasunie announced that it had started construction of a national hydrogen distribution network in the Netherlands.

EU policy developments: CBAM & rules for emissions accounting

MEPs have voted to alter the scope of the upcoming Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) to include hydrogen & ammonia, and for the scheme to cover indirect emissions from manufacture. Meanwhile, two Delegated Acts have established a starting point for rules governing the production of alternative fuels from electrolytic hydrogen, including definitions of “fully renewable” hydrogen and a comprehensive emissions accounting calculation. The European Commission will work with key stakeholders to further clarify and improve the new rules.

TotalEnergies and Adani join forces on renewable hydrogen in India

TotalEnergies will acquire a 25% stake in Adani New Industries Limited (ANIL), with ANIL to act as the “exclusive platform” for Total and Adani to produce and commercialise renewable hydrogen in India. Together the pair have set ambitious targets: 1 million tonnes renewable hydrogen production per year and 30 GW of new renewable generating capacity by 2030. The first project in focus will be a 1.3 million tonne per year urea plant to displace current fertiliser imports.

RePowerEU: supporting the full switch of existing hydrogen production to renewables

The European Commission has announced its latest plan to reduce the EU’s dependence on fossil imports. RePowerEU will encourage a full switch from fossil-based hydrogen to renewable hydrogen, based on the use of carbon contracts for difference. A hydrogen utilisation target of 20 million tonnes per year has also been set, composed of 10 million tonnes from domestic production and 10 million tonnes of imports. Of these imports, the EU has also forecast 4 million tonnes will be in the form of hydrogen-as-ammonia. The new plan marks a significant increase in ambition from the Fit-for-55 package released in July 2021.

Australia’s first gas-to-hydrogen pipeline transition to feed ammonia production near Perth

APA Group and Wesfarmers Chemicals, Energy and Fertilisers (WesCEF) have signed a new MoU to investigate the potential of feeding renewable hydrogen to existing ammonia production facilities in Kwinana, near Perth. Sections of APA’s existing Parmelia Gas Pipeline are being assessed for conversion to carry 100% hydrogen. If successful, the pipeline could become a “pure renewable hydrogen service”. In Kwinana, plans are already underway for multiple newbuild hydrogen & ammonia projects.

DECHEMA and Fertilizers Europe: decarbonizing ammonia production up to 2030

DECHEMA and Fertilizers Europe recently released a new report detailing how & where the European fertilizer industry can decarbonize leading up to 2030. Technology options for CO2-emission reduction of hydrogen feedstock in ammonia production explores decarbonization pathways including energy efficiency improvements, carbon capture & sequestration, renewable hydrogen feedstock and grid-based electrolysis. It proposes a detailed roadmap towards 19% emissions reduction from the EU fertilizer industry by 2030, and – looking ahead to 2050 – forecasts the almost complete decarbonization of the industry, via zero-carbon electricity generation in the EU and the growth of renewable hydrogen production. With the right policy & regulatory levers in place, Fertilizers Europe believes there is no reason the transition cannot happen faster.

Hyundai’s offshore production & sequestration platforms receive approval from ABS

The American Bureau of Shipping awarded AiP to a design for an offshore CO2 injection platform developed by Hyundai Heavy Industries. The design is one of two being developed - the other being a renewable hydrogen offshore production platform powered by on- or offshore wind power. The partners are targeting 2025 for both designs to be constructed and operational.

Renewable ammonia in Vietnam

Vietnamese renewable energy project developer The Green Solutions will partner with ECONNECT Energy, thyssenkrupp and Black & Veatch to develop a new renewable hydrogen & ammonia production plant in Tra Vinh province, Vietnam.

A few hundred kilometers to the north, Singapore-based Enterprize Energy is developing a significant offshore wind project with both grid generating and Power-to-X elements. The 3.4 GW Thang Long wind farm will produce grid electricity, renewable hydrogen for local markets and renewable ammonia for export.