Site items in: Renewable Hydrogen

Hydrogen City & green ammonia from the Port of Corpus Christi

Green Hydrogen International will lead development of the world’s largest green hydrogen production & storage hub in Duval County, Texas. Hydrogen City features 60 GW of solar & wind energy generation, which will power production of 2.5 million tonnes of green hydrogen. Salt cavern storage and ammonia production are among the target end-uses, with green ammonia to be exported to international markets from the Port of Corpus Christi. A similar, GW-scale project is already under development in Corpus Christi: the Gulf Coast green fuels hub.

South Africa launches Hydrogen Society Roadmap

Four "catalytic" projects will provide momentum for the new roadmap, driving the rollout of at least 15 GW of electrolysis capacity between them by 2040. Ammonia is a feature of all these kick-off projects, and the government sees ammonia's primary role in the transition as decarbonising energy-intensive industries in South Africa.

HyDeal España: green hydrogen & ammonia northern Spain

ArcelorMittal, Enagás, Grupo Fertiberia and DH2 Energy will lead development of the world's largest integrated renewable and competitive hydrogen hub in northwest Spain. Production is due to begin in 2025, with the full-sized project reaching 9.5 GW of solar power and 7.4 GW of installed electrolysers by 2030.

Amongst other uses, green hydrogen from HyDeal España will be used to make green ammonia for Fertiberia’s nearby fertiliser production plant in Avilés. This means that four out of Fertiberia’s ten Spanish production centers all have green ammonia projects in progress.

Ammonia exports from regional Russia

Eurasia Mining and H4Energy will develop two hydrogen/ammonia export projects at either end of Russia. The Kola Green Hydrogen Project in Murmansk (far west) seeks to take advantage of cheap, abundant zero-carbon energy, combined with easy access to key shipping routes. On Sakhalin Island (far east) a new, wind-powered P2X facility is being explored.

Project Catalina: GW-scale green ammonia in Spain

Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners, Fertiberia and Vestas will partner with Enagás (who own Spain's national gas grid) & Naturgy (a Spanish gas & electricity utility) to develop a hydrogen and ammonia mega project in the Aragon region, Spain. At full size, 5 GW of combined wind & solar generating capacity will power 2 GW of electrolysers that produce around 160,000 tonnes of green hydrogen per year. Construction of Phase I is due to start at the end of 2023, and includes plans for a state-of-the-art green ammonia production facility that will feed Fertiberia's existing fertiliser plant in Sagunto.

H2biscus: green ammonia in Malaysia

A trio of South Korean organisations - Samsung Engineering, POSCO and Lotte Chemical - will partner with the Sarawak Economic Development Corporation (SEDC) to develop a new green hydrogen & ammonia project in Bintulu, eastern Malaysia. The combination of plentiful hydropower, existing gas infrastructure and existing petrochemical production facilities in Bintulu means the H2biscus partners are focusing on a suite of export products - hydrogen, ammonia & methanol - with both green and blue characteristics.

Green ammonia in Trinidad & Tobago

KBR has been awarded a study to help establish a green hydrogen economy in the dual-island nation. Repurposing of Trinidad & Tobago's existing industrial infrastructure - particularly grey hydrogen & ammonia production facilities - will be a key focus. Trinidad & Tobago occupies a crucial role in the global ammonia supply chain, but its reliance on grey hydrogen means that declining gas reserves and spiraling gas import prices have created shortfalls, with some ammonia production suspended and plants closed. A green ammonia project led by NewGen Energy will develop a 130 MW, solar-powered electrolyser facility in Point Lisas, and feed the state-owned Tringen I & II ammonia production plants 27,200 tonnes per year of green hydrogen feedstock.

Green ammonia in Morocco: an update

A key green ammonia project was affected by Morocco's suspension of diplomatic relations with Germany in March 2021, and has been forced to proceed slowly, without any interactions with its German partners. The cooperation agreement between phosphate & fertiliser giant OCP, German research institute Fraunhofer and the Moroccan Institute for Research in Solar Energy and New Energies (IRESEN) aimed to replicate Fraunhofer's pilot green hydrogen plant in Ben Guerir, Morocco. Although Ireland-based Fusion Fuel stepped into the void with a deal to develop a 183,000 tonnes per year green ammonia plant in Rabat, the transition is far from guaranteed. In his new publication, Professor Michaël Tanchum (Middle East Institute) argues renewable ammonia represents a unique opportunity for Morocco a "vicious" cycle into a "virtuous" one, and should be a priority for the country and the international community.