Sweden-Belgium shipping corridor to be serviced by ammonia-fueled ro-ro vessels
By Julian Atchison on June 25, 2024

Click to learn more. DFDS plans to operate two ammonia-fueled ro-ro ferries on a Sweden-Belgium Green Shipping Corridor by 2030. Source: DFDS.
The Port of Antwerp-Bruges has joined a consortium developing a Sweden-Belgium Green Shipping Corridor. The Port of Gothenburg, North Sea Port, and ferry transport provider DFDS aim to be operating two ammonia-fueled Roll-on/roll-off (ro-ro) ferries on various routes between the two countries by 2030. The involved Ports will also “step up” initiatives on electrification of terminal operations and ammonia fuel bunkering. For its part, DFDS aims to have six low-emission vessels in operation by 2030, four of which will be ammonia-fueled (including these two ferries).
Stretching 2,500km, a Sweden-Belgium Green Shipping Corridor can potentially connect 11 European via sea, land, and rail connections. The three involved ports – Gothenburg, Antwerp-Bruges and North Sea Port (a cross-border facility stretching between Vlissingen and Ghent) – are all major transportation and logistics hubs in northeast Europe.
Port of Antwerp Bruges fully endorses the efforts of its customers and partners in prioritizing the greening of operations both at sea and on land. DFDS, an important operator with a daily roll-on/roll-off freight service to Gothenburg, will contribute to our ambition towards climate-neutral transport in, to and through the port. As one of the largest bunker hubs worldwide, Port of Antwerp-Bruges is committed to offering climate-neutral marine fuels and embraces DFDS’s innovative approach of utilizing ammonia-powered ro-ro vessels on the corridor.
Port of Antwerp-Bruges VP International Networks Luc Arnouts in his organisation’s official press release, 14 June 2023
The Port of Gothenburg is already in the early stages of developing operating regulations for a safe and efficient handling and bunkering of ammonia propelled vessels. We are also working on establishing an ammonia value chain, with the purpose of being able to facilitate everything needed for ammonia propelled vessels calling and bunkering in the port on a regular basis in 2030 and beyond.
Port of Gothenburg Head of Strategic Development & Innovation Patrik Benrick in the Port of Antwerp-Bruges’ official press release, 14 June 2023
This is a testament to our ambitions and commitment to play an active role in the green transition. We expect this to be the world’s first green corridor for Ro-Ro cargo vessels running on near-zero emission ammonia fuel. This transition will not be possible without collaboration. We are working together with more than 50 partners to realise this project which will contribute to a more sustainable future for European shipping, and the ports are a key part of this.
DFDS Vice President, North Sea Jacob Andersen in the Port of Antwerp-Bruges’ official press release, 14 June 2023