Yara selects Linde Engineering to build electrolysis plant at Porsgrunn
By Julian Atchison on January 30, 2022

Decarbonisation of Yara’s Porsgrunn ammonia plant took another step this week, with Linde Engineering selected to build a 24 MW, demonstration-scale electrolysis plant to produce green hydrogen for ammonia production. This is Linde’s second electrolysis plant contract in a matter of weeks: the organisation will also lead construction of a similar 24 MW plant at the Leuna Chemical Complex in Germany. This engineering & construction contract follows on from the announcement in December that the Porsgrunn decarbonisation project would receive Norwegian government funding. The project partners are aiming to supply green fertiliser & shipping fuel to market next year.
Electrolysers from ITM Power
The electrolysers themselves will be provided by UK-based ITM Power, who indicate that the units will be shipped towards the end of this year. It’s not specified which of ITM’s products will be shipped to Porsgrunn but, based on a photo supplied with Linde’s press release and the plant’s projected output of 10,000 kg/day hydrogen, its likely several of ITM’s dual-stack, 2GEP Skid model PEM units will be installed.
Globally, the largest use today of hydrogen produced from hydrocarbons is in the production of ammonia for fertilisers. This use has to be curtailed and eventually eliminated. We are very pleased to be working with forward-thinking producers such as Yara and the Norwegian Government to address this issue.
Dr Graham Cooley, CEO of ITM Power in their official press release, 28 Jan 2022