Site items in: Content by Author Shigeru Muraki

Implementation Plan of C-free Ammonia Value Chain

We are targeting to start commercial use of Fuel Ammonia from around 2025 for power generation, industrial and maritime markets. There are number of potential supplies of Blue and Green Ammonia from Australia, North America and Middle East, and large potential markets in Japan as well as Asia. First phase of Fuel Ammonia market will be mix combustion in coal power plant with Blue Ammonia supply. Extensive market will be created, and large scale Blue and Green Ammonia supplies will be implemented. Bilateral collaborations of governments and industries in supply and demand countries are essential to realize Fuel Ammonia Value…

Keynote Speech: Implementation of Ammonia Energy Value Chain

Toward low carbon society, it is essential to develop and utilize renewable energies globally. For this challenge, hydrogen energy carriers will take an important role to bridge renewable resources and energy market. Among carriers, ammonia is the most economical and viable option because it has the largest hydrogen content and can be directly combusted without CO2 emissions. Technologies to use ammonia in power generation and industrial markets have been developed in the SIP Energy Carriers in Japan, and The Green Ammonia Consortium established April 2019 is conducting feasibility studies of Green and Blue ammonia and discussing implementation plans for a…