Site items in: Content by Author William Leighty

Ammonia Renewable Energy Fuel Systems at Continental Scale

We must soon “run the world on renewables” but cannot, and should not try to, accomplish this entirely with electricity transmission. New, abundant, low-cost, unconventional natural gas supplies are finite; burning adds CO2 to Earth’s atmosphere. Humanity’s goal must be nothing less than: Transforming the world’s largest industry from ~80% fossil to ~100% renewable, CO2-emission-free energy sources as quickly as we prudently and profitably can. We should now carefully consider using pipeline networks, rather than the electricity grid, for solving the three salient technical problems of renewable energy (RE) at lower cost: Transmission: from diverse, stranded, remote, rich RE resources…

NH3 from Renewable-source Electricity, Water, and Air: Technology Options and Economics Modeling

Our company, Alaska Applied Sciences, Inc. has developed a simple cost modeling tool based on capital recovery factor (CRF), for a client, to analyze, “Under what conditions will the technology in question produce NH3, at a plant gate cost competitive with NH3 from extant sources, from renewable-source electricity, water, and air?” We will report the results of several case assumptions based on Electrolysis plus Haber-Bosch technology. We will also present a catalog of apparently credible technologies for synthesizing NH3 from renewables-source electricity, water, and air.