Topsoe’s SOE manufacturing plant in Herning, Denmark is on-track to begin operations this year, with the first 100 MW of units to be delivered in early 2025 to First Ammonia for its renewable ammonia production project in Port of Victoria, Texas.
Topsoe’s SOE manufacturing plant in Herning, Denmark is on-track to begin operations this year, with the first 100 MW of units to be delivered in early 2025 to First Ammonia for its renewable ammonia production project in Port of Victoria, Texas.
First Ammonia has closed a successful Series B funding round, including contributions from Asian investors Mercuria Holdings and Manies Group. Funding will go directly towards the construction of First Ammonia’s renewable production plant near the Port of Victoria, Texas.
First Ammonia’s renewable ammonia project in Texas has taken another step, with commodity giant Uniper joining as project partner. Renewable ammonia will be produced for export from the Port of Victoria starting in 2026.
First Ammonia and the Port of Victoria have announced a partnership to produce renewable ammonia at the Port on Texas’ Gulf Coast. Electrolytic hydrogen feedstock will be produced via renewable energy, with the ammonia plant expected to be fully operational in 2025.
US-based First Ammonia has announced a new reservation deal with Topsoe for delivery of solid-oxide electrolysers. Initially, First Ammonia will purchase 500 MW of SOECs from Topsoe’s new manufacturing plant in Herning, Denmark, with the option to expand to 5 GW over the lifetime of the agreement. That initial 500 MW will be deployed over two First Ammonia production projects, both targeting commercial operations in 2025: one in northern Germany, and one in southwest USA.