First Ammonia announces deal for 5GW of Topsoe electrolysers
By Julian Atchison on September 21, 2022
Solid-oxide electrolysers to be deployed in Germany & USA

New, US-based ammonia energy player First Ammonia has announced a new reservation deal with Topsoe for delivery of solid-oxide electrolysers (SOECs). Initially, First Ammonia will purchase 500 MW of SOECs from Topsoe’s new manufacturing plant in Herning, Denmark, with the option to expand to 5 GW over the lifetime of the agreement. The new agreement exactly matches the planned capacity of the Herning plant, (500 MW manufacturing capacity scaling to 5 GW), which got the FID green light from Topsoe’s board earlier this month.
That initial 500 MW will be deployed over two First Ammonia production projects, both targeting commercial operations in 2025: one in northern Germany, and one in southwest USA.
With (Topsoe’s) cutting edge SOEC electrolyzers and industry leading ammonia synthesis, we will develop facilities around the world to produce millions of tons of green ammonia from water and air. Ammonia saved humanity from starvation a century ago as a replacement for depleted sources of fertilizers, in large part due to Topsoe’s excellence. Ammonia can save humanity once again as the workhorse of the hydrogen economy, replacing petrochemicals to decarbonize agriculture, transportation and power storage and generation.
CEO of First Ammonia Joel Moser in Topsoe’s official press release, 14 Sept 2022
This agreement…is evidence of the many benefits of SOEC, including lowering project costs as the most efficient electrolyzer technology.
CCO for Power-to-X at Topsoe Sundus Cordelia Ramli in her organisation’s official press release, 14 Sept 2022