Site items in: Presentations

Ammonia: A New Business for Nuclear Energy

Nuclear Energy can be used to support and help decarbonize traditional steam methane reforming and electrolysis to produce hydrogen. Options for integrating nuclear with ammonia, and ammonia derivatives include providing power to an air separation unit to produce nitrogen, and hydrogen combustion to deplete oxygen while providing heat for high temperature steam electrolysis. A comparison of CO2 emissions reduction and costs of urea synthesis indicate there is a strong business case for using nuclear reactors at large and small-distributed ammonia plants. A case for producing 3 tons of ammonia from a 1-MWe power supply will be given.

Next Generation Technology Integration Platform for Low- and Zero-Carbon Ammonia Production and Utilization

RTI International and its partners are developing a Technology Integration Platform (TIP) to demonstrate next-generation technologies for ammonia (NH3) production and utilization in a modular testbed as part of U.S. Department of Energy ARPA-E’s REFUEL+IT program. The objective of this effort will be to demonstrate the use of NH3 for long duration energy storage, as a fuel, and a hydrogen (H2) carrier.  The TIP, which will be housed at the University of Minnesota West Central Research and Outreach Center’s operational hybrid wind and solar test site, will integrate several breakthrough technologies developed in the REFUEL program to demonstrate an advanced…

The First Industrial Scale Pure Green Hydrogen and Ammonia Plant

The presentation will address the importance of developing a green hydrogen and ammonia facility in the Midwestern region of the United States and why access to both a strong ammonia market and abundant renewable energy is so critical. The presentation also will show the significant benefit to the agriculture industry of using green ammonia, particularly from a carbon reduction standpoint.

Serving the large-scale hydrogen and ammonia market - Expansion to 5 GW of annual electrolyzer manufacturing

To address the challenges of the global energy transition and ever increasing project sizes disruptive approaches are required. Being a global market leader in large scale ammonia plants and electrolysis technology thyssenkrupp will expand its production capacity of 1 GW electrolysis cells today to 5 GW by 2025. Within four years the company will therefore be further expanding its technology leadership along the entire green chemicals value chain. This involves not only the series manufacturing of large-scale water electrolyzers, but also further development of technologies for the production of synthetic fuels, green ammonia, green methanol and synthetic natural gas at…

Ammonia as a Fuel of the Future: A Ship Operator’s perspective

Ammonia as a Marine fuel is a new introduction to the Bunker industry. In order to be better prepared for setting up the required infrastructure etc for an efficient supply chain, it is important to understand what are the downstream challenges that suppliers can expect. A key aspect of this is to hear it from potential end-consumers and gain their perspective. Maersk is committed to reducing its Co2 emissions by almost 60% (over Y2008 baseline) by 2030 and is exploring Ammonia as a possible pathway to get there. This session will address challenges foreseen in adopting Ammonia by a Dry…

Advancing Ammonia as a Marine Fuel

Buoyed by promising new research, Ammonia is emerging as a marine fuel contender among various future fuel candidates that could decarbonize shipping. Jérôme Leprince-Ringuet (Vice President, Marine Fuels, TotalEnergies) will explore ammonia’s potential to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the maritime industry, and to help turn the tide on climate change. Through his presentation, you will: – Learn why ammonia holds significant potential as a marine fuel candidate, from emission reduction to scalability factors. – Gain insight into the safety, technology maturity and availability challenges facing ammonia’s promise as a marine fuel, and – TotalEnergies’ ongoing efforts and joint…

The Green and Blue Ammonia Value Chain

As green and blue ammonia begin to be utilized as a zero-carbon marine fuel, we will see the need for substantial infrastructure development to support the demand. The green and blue ammonia value chains differ in the hydrogen production method used; green ammonia being generated from water electrolysis and blue ammonia being generated from a conventional pathway, using natural gas, but with the addition of carbon capture. The level of commercialization and the relative total installed costs for green and blue ammonia plants will be discussed.

Ammonia bunkering - simulation of hypothetical release scenarios in Singapore

Ammonia has the potential to be a low carbon fuel for shipping. As an important step for ships to adopt the fuel, the bunkering operation of ammonia shall be established. Ammonia bunkering can be characterized by different infrastructure and operation requirements from that of conventional marine fuel. The study presents potential bunkering concepts and configurations. The dispersion pattern due to accidental ammonia release is investigated by far-field simulation using PHAST software. The impacts of various factors on the dispersion patterns are explored to provide preliminary understandings of future ammonia bunkering safety in Singapore. Slides: please see the attached file.