Site items in: Ammonia-Hydrogen Dual Fuel

Economic analysis for hydrogen - ammonia decarbonization of a natural gas plant - a phased approach

This paper summarizes a comprehensive technical and economic analysis of a hydrogen-ammonia upgrade to an existing 42 MW natural gas plant. A phased approach is carefully chosen which deploys low-carbon technology in modules which are palatable by large-scale utility customers. The objective is to minimize capital costs of the conversion while maximizing decarbonization as each phase is deployed. A phased approach delivers optionality to utilities which are often locked into carbon-emitting technologies by protracted investment durations. Phase one details implementation of an on-site thermal pyrolysis system. Existing natural gas infrastructure and plant waste heat are used to provide clean hydrogen.…

Program on combustion of ammonia and ammonia-hydrogen mixtures for power generation

GTI Energy and the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) have embarked on fundamental and applied investigations of ammonia as an alternative energy carrier under a joint program known as Low-Carbon Resources Initiative (LCRI). Focus is on applications under turbine operating conditions for both ammonia and ammonia-hydrogen mixtures. Participating teams members include the University of Central Florida (UCF), Georgia Institute of Technology and CRAFT Tech. Experimental, conceptual designs of combustors and computational efforts are underway since late 2021 and results to-date will be presented. The presentation will also include expanded tasks related to in-depth pursuit of the topic made possible through…

Ammonia solutions for the UK construction industry

The UK government will fund a new red diesel replacement project from engine developers MAHLE Powertrain and partners Clean Air Power and the University of Nottingham. The trio will demonstrate decarbonisation of heavy duty engines using ammonia and hydrogen fuel, or a blend of the two. Fortescue Future Industries and Liebherr are also involved in the decarbonisation of the UK construction sector, with agreements on hydrogen fuel supply & engine development signed last October. Fuel cells also enter this mix, with AFC Energy currently rolling out off-grid, ammonia-powered gensets on construction sites in London and Madrid.

Dual-fuel ammonia for power generation in South Korea

Doosan, KEPCO and Samsung will join forces to jointly develop a “dual-fuel green ammonia” power generation model that can be rolled out to 1 GW power plants in South Korea. In the trio, Doosan is charged with the development of ammonia dual-fuel boilers, indicating that coal co-firing is the target of the model rollout. As part of a different agreement, Doosan is also involved in ammonia-hydrogen gas turbine development with POSCO and KEPCO.

Ammonia combustion engines: latest research

The journey from the laboratory bench to the shop floor continues apace in 2021, as researchers deepen their understanding of ammonia combustion within engines. The team at Université d’Orléans has published several pieces of research already this year, with interesting results on operating limits, spray characteristics and flame propagation.

The Ammonia Wrap: EU ambitions, new tankers, and GW scale green ammonia in Denmark, Norway, and Chile

Welcome to the Ammonia Wrap: a summary of all the latest announcements, news items and publications about ammonia energy. In this week's wrap: HyDeal Ambition, new marine tankers, fuel forecasts & SOFC developments, a new technical briefing on power generation, UNSW leads research in P2X, GWs of green ammonia in Denmark, Norway and Chile, green ammonia in the Orkneys, new government focus on ammonia in South Africa, and India to make green ammonia production mandatory?

Low-Carbon Fuels for Power Generation

The EPRI-GTI Low Carbon Resources Initiative (LCRI) has nine technical subcommittees.  The Power Generation subcommittee currently has 26 active members representing electric, gas and combined electric & gas utilities as well as two gas turbine Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM).  Studies, testing and demonstration projects utilizing hydrogen and ammonia as alternate low-carbon energy carriers dominates member interests with hydrogen being most significant. Next steps will include scoping specific topics for “no-regret” studies and soliciting inputs for creating a five-year power generation roadmap.  Current position of the power generation company members:   Alternate Energy Carrier (AEC). Applied R&D on H2 and H2…

Starfire Energy's ammonia cracking and cracked gas purification technology

Ammonia cracking is important for both combustion and fuel cell applications. Starfire Energy has verified that a blend of 70% ammonia + 30% cracked ammonia can burn well in a conventional natural gas burner with very low ammonia slip and acceptable NOx using a stoichiometric fuel-air mixture. A 10 MW turbine or internal combustion engine using such a blend will need about 1.44 tonnes of cracked ammonia per hour. Starfire Energy’s monolith-supported cracking catalyst may be ideally suited for this application. Fully cracked ammonia retains several thousand parts per million of ammonia due to thermodynamic limitations. Residual ammonia can damage…