Site items in: Certification

Quantifying the emissions footprint of the nitrogen industry

Understanding and quantifying the emissions footprint of an industry is critical to decarbonisation efforts. Without high quality and standardised data, an industry will continually stall on lowering emissions. But this is quickly changing. Companies are seeking to understand their emissions landscape and benchmark themselves accurately. Many leading companies are setting ambitious emissions reduction targets. But its not just the first movers from whom this data matters. Policy is changing as with emissions trading schemes are rolled out across the world. This will force the laggards into action. CRU has developed readily available standardised data and methodologies to capture emissions across…

Hinicio & CertifHy

Since 2014, Hinicio is leading CertifHy, the first EU-wide Guarantee of Origin scheme for hydrogen, including a definition for Green Hydrogen and (non-renewable) low-carbon Hydrogen. We will share our experience and provide insights and relevant lessons learned from designing and implementing CertifHy. We will touch upon dealing with multiple primary energies going into a process which might be renewable and non-renewable, and the carbon intensity calculation in multi-input and multi-output plants.

Towards Global Ammonia Energy Certification Standards

Considerable attention is now being paid to both life-cycle carbon intensity standards and guarantees of origin for many low carbon fuels, including ammonia energy, to ensure that international trade may be facilitated, expedited, and given priority guarantees of market access under long-term supply agreements. Standardisation and certification are crucial to these markets.  Further, the prospect of commanding a “clean/green” market premium, which buyers in markets such as the European Union and East Asia may be prepared to pay for ammonia energy imports, may also set the necessary impulses to stimulate the domestic ammonia energy economies around the world. Certifications can,…

New industry white paper from the Australian Hydrogen Council

Acknowledging that a coordinated, national-level approach is urgently needed to create a viable hydrogen industry in Australia, the Australian Hydrogen Council (AHC) has set out a series of recommendations in their new white paper. AHC sees ammonia as playing an important role in an emerging Australian hydrogen industry, particularly as an immediate end-use application for clean hydrogen. We sat down with AHC's CEO Fiona Simon to learn more.

Certifying renewable ammonia

The Smart Energy Council has established a world leading zero carbon certification for renewable hydrogen, renewable ammonia and renewable metals. This overview of the scheme will include results of the first project being certified under the scheme and the current pre-certification of the Yara renewable ammonia plant being built in the Pilbara, Western Australia.

Highlights from the EU debate on H2 certification

Climate mitigation is key driver for H2 roadmaps and policies. Regulatory framework still in its infancy, but it will evolve dynamically. In 1st phase, H2 GHG emission (and other sustainability) standards must take into account the still high level of power sector emissions in EU and elsewhere, and the need to get the clean H2 market up and running. But in the medium term, GHG emission standards will get closer and closer to true climate neutrality. I personally would anticipate this and would not advise to make long term investments in “grey-green” or “grey-blue” H2 => It might be accepted…

Hydrogen Certification

The ability for consumers to have certainty with regard to the origin of their energy products is crucial if Australia is to meet its potential to be a top exporter of clean hydrogen. The hydrogen industry is on a journey towards the development of a certification scheme to allow this. Alignment on key concepts and close engagement with the Federal Government has allowed the industry to progress towards a scheme which will meet the needs of producers and consumers. The process to date could provide a blueprint as ammonia producers embark on the same journey.

Ammonia trade and embedded emissions pricing

Emissions (carbon) pricing has been theoretically and empirically proven to be the most efficient means of correcting the market failure caused by greenhouse emissions externalities. None-the-less, political constraints have prevented emissions pricing from forming a stable component of Australian climate and energy policy. For export-facing industries such as ammonia, however, emissions pricing in export markets is likely to matter more than Australian policy. In particular, the European Commission is set to propose a carbon-border adjustment mechanism in July 2021. The US is also considering ways of ensuring their industries are not disadvantaged as a result of its substantially ramped up…