Site items in: Emissions

MHI Energy Transition and Ammonia Firing Gas Turbine

MHI Group released the “Carbon Neutrality Declaration by 2040” with the theme of “MISSION NET ZERO” and we are working to develop technologies and businesses towards the goal. In this panel session, MHI’s technology roadmap for CO2 zero power generation is presented first, where ammonia and hydrogen firing GT/GTCC plays an important role. Then technologies development and validation progress for the ammonia firing GT are presented and discussed together with MHI involved Ammonia power generation projects worldwide. Lastly activities of Hydrogen GT development and validation are briefly introduced.

Creating Ammonia Value Chain for the Smooth Transition toward Carbon Neutrality

According to the IHI’s ‘Group Management Policies 2023’ announced this May, Clean Energy business represented by fuel ammonia and others is defined as Development-focus Business, which would drive our future growth in parallel with Aero Engines and Space business. Our aim is to build and enhance the value of our entire ammonia value chain by implementing direct ammonia utilization technology especially for power sector, preparing infrastructure for transportation and storage and also developing new technology for green ammonia production. In the session, IHI’s effort to implement total value chain of ammonia is introduced, especially to use ammonia in thermal power…

Japanese initiatives to establish Fuel Ammonia Supply Chain

Following brief introduction of CFAA and Marubeni, I would like to present how Japanese government plans to support to realize clean ammonia supply chain for Japan and then draft definition of Clean Ammonia announced by CFAA last year. Some of our thoughts on the Harmonization are presented in the last part of my session using slides titled “International Certification Scheme”.

The IMO charts a course to net-zero

The IMO member states have agreed to a new roadmap for the decarbonisation of the global shipping sector, including emissions reduction targets to be met in 2030 and 2040. It was also established that a well-to-wake approach will be the basis for the lifecycle analysis of maritime fuels going forward, with the uptake of near or zero-carbon alternative technologies & fuels to account for 5 - 10% of the global shipping sector by 2030.