Site items in: Policy

Canada to launch new tax credit for hydrogen production

The Canadian government has proposed a significant tax credit for hydrogen production in the country - at least 40% if all conditions are met. Citing the Infrastructure Reduction Act in the US, the Department of Finance sees adoption of “competitive” measures as critical to make sure Canada is not “left behind”. The government will shortly launch industry consultation on how best to implement the tax credit, based on lifecycle carbon intensity of hydrogen.

Singapore's national hydrogen strategy

Singapore’s government has launched an official hydrogen strategy for the island nation. Ammonia plays a key role in the maritime sector’s multi-fuel transition, with other direct uses emerging in Singapore’s energy future: fertiliser, industrial feedstock and power generation.

Making net-zero ammonia possible: new transition strategy for the industry

Mission Possible Partnership has launched a new transition strategy for the global ammonia sector. Endorsed by a series of key ammonia energy players from across the supply chain, Making net-zero ammonia possible sets out a series of levers, mechanisms and priorities for the coming decade to ensure the ammonia sector achieves a 50% emissions reduction target by the mid 2030s, before almost fully decarbonising by 2050.

New hydrogen regulations in Europe

The European Parliament has recently voted on key changes to the Renewable Energy Directive II. The changes include new renewable fuel targets for industry, scrapping the “additionality” clause, and easing temporal & geographical restrictions on electricity PPAs for hydrogen production. A new, €3 billion Hydrogen Bank has also been announced in a bid to close the investment gap in Europe.

Renewable Fertilizers in Europe

In our most recent episode of Ammonia Project Features, we explored the potential for renewable fertilizers in Europe. Birgitte Holder (Yara) explained that renewable hydrogen is low-hanging fruit for decarbonizing food production, but further emissions reduction will come from working across the full value chain: including on the farm itself. Yara’s agreement with agricultural cooperative Lantmannen is part of this wider focus. From a regulatory perspective, Theo Paquet (Fertilizers Europe) showed us there are many regulatory levers to pull to achieve decarbonization goals in the fertilizer sector, and that national food & energy security concerns may accelerate regulatory change in the coming years.

The social license to operate low and zero-carbon ammonia energy projects

Our latest Ammonia Project Features webinar focused on the social license to operate for low and zero-carbon ammonia energy projects. Sam Bartlett from the Green Hydrogen Organisation explained the details of his organisation’s new “Green Hydrogen Standard”, which not only incorporates emissions, but also the environmental, social and governance consequences of a production project. Jonathan Cocker from Borden Ladner Gervais LLP then took us through the key challenges for obtaining social license, and what we can learn from other industries and case studies already in progress around the world.