Site items in: Renewable Ammonia

Renewable ammonia in Colombia

Colombian fertiliser producer Monómeros has signed an MoU with local power utility APBAQ to develop a renewable ammonia project near the city of Barranquilla, on Colombia’s Caribbean coast. The project will be powered by a 350 MW offshore wind farm being developed by Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners.

Renewable ammonia in Vietnam

Vietnamese renewable energy project developer The Green Solutions will partner with ECONNECT Energy, thyssenkrupp and Black & Veatch to develop a new renewable hydrogen & ammonia production plant in Tra Vinh province, Vietnam.

A few hundred kilometers to the north, Singapore-based Enterprize Energy is developing a significant offshore wind project with both grid generating and Power-to-X elements. The 3.4 GW Thang Long wind farm will produce grid electricity, renewable hydrogen for local markets and renewable ammonia for export.

Green maritime fuels next to the Suez Canal

A series of new announcements illustrates the growing importance of Egypt, the Suez Gulf and the area designated the Suez Canal Economic Zone to the ammonia energy transition:

  • Masdar and a series of public & private partners plan a 4 GW electrolyser capacity, 2.3 million tonnes per year renewable ammonia export project in Ain Sokhna, with the first stage to focus on methanol production for bunker fuel.
  • The General Authority for Suez Canal Economic Zone (SCZONE) has signed deals for two smaller maritime fuel production plants, one with French organisation EDF Renewables and the other with UAE-based EMEA Power.
  • And Maersk will explore potential for large-scale green maritime fuel production near the Suez Canal, committing to off take in a new deal with SCZONE and government partners.

Renewable ammonia production on Curaçao and the Canary Islands

Two sets of academic analyses highlight the huge potential for renewable energy and ammonia fuel to wean island states off fossil fuel use. Researchers from the University of Twente propose a highly-integrated energy generation and storage system for the Caribbean nation of Curaçao, with battery storage and ammonia fuel to offset periods of low wind-power output. On the Canary Islands, researchers from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria present their concept for a “hexa-generation” energy system to produce electricity, water, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and - ultimately - ammonia.

Renewable ammonia in Portugal

Madoqua Renewables, Power2X and Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners will jointly develop a new project in Sines, Portugal. Renewable hydrogen production will be integrated with a conventional Haber Bosch synthesis plant to produce up to 500,000 tonnes of ammonia per year, with an expansion phase to double that capacity.

Ammonia off-taker for H2U’s Gladstone project

The Hydrogen Utility and Orica will explore possibilities for an exclusive off-take & supply agreement. Renewable ammonia produced at H2U’s future production plant in Gladstone, Australia would supply Orica’s nearby manufacturing plant, which will use the ammonia to produce explosives and mining extraction chemicals for Australian & international mining customers. There is also the potential for an ammonia export terminal to be built by the pair, based on Orica’s existing ammonia storage infrastructure in Gladstone.

Oman green ammonia Supergiant takes shape

InterContinental Energy, OQ and Enertech announced a number of key development updates last week for their 25 GW Green Energy Oman (“GEO”) project. Three specialist organisations have been contracted to perform feasibility, engineering & impact assessment work, and new details were announced about the project’s location, including a potential site for ammonia production on the Oman coast.

Green ammonia for polymers: “Econitrile”

OCI, AnQore and Elix Polymers announced this week that green ammonia would form the basis of a low-carbon, sustainable value chain for polymer manufacturing in Europe. Green ammonia supplied by OCI would be used for the manufacture of green Acrylonitrile (named “Econitrile”), a feedstock for one for one of the world’s most common thermoplastics used in injection molding. Potential end applications for the value chain range from engineering materials to children’s toys.