Site items in: Transportation Fuel

Carbon Free liquid fuel for tomorrow's piston and turbine generators

In the 1960s the US Army and University of California modified and flew military helicopter and fixed-wing turbine aircraft by burning pure ammonia. The plan was to generate NH3 from local air & water in remote locations, sparing little expense by modifying only the engine’s firebox and air intake. We’re all here to reduce the cost of air travel, placate noise complainers, and grab our share of the massive growth of future airline cash-flow. Nonsense. The real goal is not fuel efficiency but Carbon-free air travel; electric-hybrids with current engine-generators. Americans bought 6,000,000,000 pounds of liquid NH3 last year.

Solar Hydrogen and Ammonia System Status

Further development results of the Raphael Schmuecker Memorial Solar Hydrogen and Ammonia prototype plant, discussing making of Nitrogen and Ammonia, the energy usage, and the general system efficiencies and output. We would also like to discuss our results of dyno testing the Hydrogen / Hydrogen & Ammonia tractor engine and further developments in ammonia fuel vaporization.

US DOE: The REFUEL Project

In April 2016, the United States Department of Energy (DOE) released a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) for its Renewable Energy to Fuels through Utilization of Energy-dense Liquids (REFUEL) program. The focus of the program is carbon-neutral liquid fuels (CNLFs). In the DOE’s formulation, CNLFs are to be produced “from air and water using electrical or thermal energy from renewable sources.”

Ammonia for Energy Storage and Delivery

The Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA-E) funds high risk, high reward transformational research to reduce energy related emissions, reduce imports of energy from foreign sources, improve energy efficiency across all economic sectors, and ensure US technological lead in advanced energy technologies, including electrochemical energy storage and transformation for grid scale and automotive applications. Storing energy in the form of liquid fuels has numerous advantages compared to conventional methods of energy storage (ES) such as batteries (high cost, short cycle life), pumped hydro and compressed air (low energy density). Low costs of storage and transportation of liquid fuels enables long-time ES…