Site items in: Transportation Fuel

Ammonia as a Motor Vehicle Engine Fuel from a Weights and Measures Perspective

California Law requires: — All motor vehicle fuel must have a consensus organization fuel quality standard. In absence of such a standard, a user may obtain a “Developmental Engine Fuel Variance” for the purpose of developing a consensus organization standard. — Devices that measure for purposes of charging are type approved for product delivered and sealed by a Weights and Measure official. — Fuel dispensers are labeled in accordance to State and Federal requirements. — Unit of sale be in dollars per gallon or liter. The author provides an overview of these areas and information on how to obtain a…

NH3 Fuel — Gaining Momentum

This paper provides an overview of the impressive characteristics of NH3 as a fuel. NH3 is the closet thing to an ideal fuel due to its production flexibility, competitive cost, infrastructure cost/availability, efficiency, environmental performance, and safety. This year’s presentation will emphasize why NH3 is the best bridge fuel between fossil and renewable fuels and why it is relatively simple to make NH3 safe enough to meet the most stringent existing fuel safety standards.

The AmVeh – an ammonia fueled car from South Korea

South Korean researchers have successfully road-tested a dual fuel passenger car that runs on a mixture of ammonia and gasoline. It is called the AmVeh and was developed by members of the Ammonia Research Group at the Korean Institute for Energy Research. The prototype vehicle uses a fuel ratio of 70% ammonia to 30% gasoline to power a spark ignition engine. As ammonia contains no carbon, this fuel ratio results in a corresponding 70% reduction in carbon dioxide emissions, compared to pure gasoline. The AmVeh team is now focused on improving the fuel system and the exhaust after-treatment system. Once these are optimized, they aim to develop an engine system that runs on ammonia alone, without any support from gasoline.