PresentationThe Renewable Ammonia Farm Bill Initiative William Leighty The Renewable Ammonia Farm Bill Initiative Bill Leighty, The Leighty Foundation
PresentationAmmonia from Wind, An Update Michael Reese Ammonia from Wind, An Update Mike Reese, University of Minnesota–Morris
PresentationCosts of Delivered Energy from Large-scale, Diverse, Stranded, Renewable Resources, Transmitted and Firmed as Electricity, Gaseous Hydrogen, and Ammonia William Leighty Costs of Delivered Energy from Large-scale, Diverse, Stranded, Renewable Resources, Transmitted and Firmed as Electricity, Gaseous Hydrogen, and Ammonia Bill Leighty, Leighty Foundation
PresentationWind to Ammonia Michael Reese Wind to Ammonia Mike Reese, University of Minnesota, West Central Research and Outreach Center
PresentationNREL overview of the 2006 conference Dale Gardner NREL overview of the 2006 conference Dale Gardner, NREL
PresentationThe Great Plains Wind Resource William Leighty The Great Plains Wind Resource Bill Leighty, Leighty Foundation