Site items in: Wind Ammonia

Renewable ammonia exports from Brazil: Project Iracema

In our latest episode of Ammonia Project Features, we explored Project Iracema: a grid-connected, renewable ammonia production facility under-development in Pecem, northeast Brazil. To discuss Brazil’s unique electricity market, project details and the important role of certification to the project, AEA Technology Manager Kevin Rouwenhorst was joined by Jonas Rechreche (Proton Ventures), Matheus Kleming (Casa dos Ventos) and Ricardo Gedra (CCEE).

Trade mission to Chile: report from the AEA President

AEA President Hans Vrijenhoef recently participated in an official hydrogen trade mission to Chile, addressing the audience at the Santiago Green Hydrogen Summit and securing interest to start planning Chile’s first ammonia-focused event. With a number of key challenges facing ammonia project developers in Latin America and the need to train & educate so many ammonia “newcomers”, 2024 will be the perfect opportunity to bring together all the key stakeholders.

AiP for offshore production in Korea, government funding for maritime ammonia in Scandinavia

Korea Research Institute of Ships & Ocean Engineering’s offshore hydrogen & ammonia production design has received Approval in Principle from the American Bureau of Shipping. In Scandinavia, the Norwegian government has awarded funding for two ammonia-fuelled vessel projects as part of a NOK 709 million funding round (including Yara Clean Ammonia & Viridis Bulk Carriers).

More progress for Canada-based Project Nujio’qonik

Topsoe will supply its ammonia loop technology to the million tonne per year renewable ammonia project in Newfoundland. Crown lands application approval means that project developers World Energy GH2 have now secured full land capacity for both initial and potential expansion phases for the project.

Scene-setting for ammonia in the marine industry: propulsion systems, FPSOs & jettyless tech

As the maritime industry gears towards the use of more sustainable fuels, Denmark-based cargo pump supplier Svanehoj reports increased orders for ammonia-capable equipment to be used on LPG tankers. Navantia and H2SITE will combine their expertise in shipbuilding and ammonia cracking to create hydrogen-based propulsion systems. Thyssenkrupp Uhde’s ammonia technology will be used in SwitcH2’s floating ammonia production vessels to harness offshore wind energy. And Iverson eFuels will use ECOnnects’ jettyless gas transfer technology at its 200,000 tonnes per year ammonia production facility in Norway.

Maritime momentum builds: ammonia-powered container ships, offshore service vessels

Seaspan and partners will look towards commercialisation for their large-scale, ammonia-powered container vessel design. Korea Maritime Consultants has been granted AiP for a small-sized container vessel concept for small-scale applications, and the Blaavinge consortium aims to develop their ammonia-powered offshore wind service vessel in time for use in the Utsira Nord project in Norway.

EverWind acquires onshore wind power for Nova Scotia mega-project

Three wind farms totalling 530 MW will be developed in partnership with RES & First Nation communities to help power the first phase of EverWind Fuel’s mega-project in Point Tupper. EverWind is also planning the development of a further 2 GW of onshore wind energy, plus a 300 MW solar farm. Ammonia from Point Tupper will be exported to the EU, beginning in 2025.

China: scaling-up “flexible” ammonia production powered by renewable energy

The cost gap between fossil-based ammonia production and electrolysis-based ammonia production in China is arguably the smallest in the world. In our May episode of Ammonia Project Features, we explored two new, “flexible” renewable ammonia projects being developed in northeast China, as well as some of the engineering challenges as we scale-up electrolysis plants to gigawatt-sized.

More Newfoundland project updates

World Energy GH2 has announced that it has acquired a key piece of infrastructure for the development of Project Nujio’qonik: the Port of Stephenville on Newfoundland’s west coast. On the other side of Newfoundland island, the Port of Argentia and Pattern Energy have agreed to commercial terms for a planned renewable ammonia project adjacent to the port.

Newfoundland updates: Project Nujio'qonik & the Port of Argentia

World Energy GH2’s Project Nujio’Qonik has a new partner, with SK ecoplant announcing a $50 million investment. Bloom Energy has also announced it will provide solid oxide electrolysis cells for the initial phase of the project. On the other side of Newfoundland, Pattern Energy is developing a renewable hydrogen & ammonia export facility at the Port of Argentia, with exports to Europe to begin from 2025.