H2biscus: green ammonia in Malaysia
By Julian Atchison on February 01, 2022

A trio of South Korean organisations – Samsung Engineering, POSCO and Lotte Chemical – will partner with the Sarawak Economic Development Corporation (SEDC) to develop a new green hydrogen & ammonia project in Bintulu, eastern Malaysia. Bintulu is already home to significant petrochemical infrastructure, including Petronas’ LNG complex (one of the largest LNG production facilities in the world). Samsung Engineering is also developing a 2 million tonne per year methanol plant nearby.
The combination of plentiful hydropower, existing gas infrastructure and existing petrochemical production facilities means the H2biscus partners are focusing on a suite of export products – hydrogen, ammonia & methanol – with both green and blue characteristics. The partners conducted a pre-feasability study last year, landing on production goals of 7,000 tonnes per year green hydrogen (for Sarawak’s domestic market), 600,000 tonnes per year blue ammonia, 630,000 tonnes per year green ammonia and 460,000 tonnes per year of green methanol (all for export to Korea).
The H2biscus Project brings the opportunity to produce a wide range of eco-friendly products, such as green hydrogen, green and blue ammonia, green methanol and CCU.
The project will serve as an exemplary project of international standing for renewable energy trading and hydrogen transportation between Korea and Malaysia, establishing hydrogen-related standards for the two countries.
Samsung Engineering chief executive Sungan Choi in “South Korean, Malaysian players tie-up on green hydrogen venture in Sarawak“, Upstream Online (Amanda Battersby), 26 Jan 2022