PresentationWhat’s Stopping Us? Recognizing and Removing Obstacles to the Launch of Ammonia Fuel Trevor Brown What’s Stopping Us? Recognizing and Removing Obstacles to the Launch of Ammonia Fuel Trevor Brown, Private Consultant
PresentationNH3 Compared with other “Fuels” William Leighty NH3 Compared with other “Fuels” Bill Leighty, The Leighty Foundation
Presentation2012 Keynote Address — Enabling NH3 Fuel Eddie Sturman 2012 Keynote Address — Enabling NH3 Fuel Eddie Sturman, Sturman Industries
PresentationKick-off / Update from the Chairman Norm Olson Kick-off / Update from the Chairman Norm Olson, Iowa Energy Center
PresentationSouthwest Research Institute and Ammonia Research: Past, Present, and Future Jacob ZuehlRyan Roecker Southwest Research Institute and Ammonia Research: Past, Present, and Future Jacob Zuehl and Ryan Roecker, SwRI
PresentationThe Choice of NH3 Fuel for the X-15 Rocket Plane Bob Seaman The Choice of NH3 Fuel for the X-15 Rocket Plane Bob Seaman, Reaction Motors Division (retired)
PresentationKickoff / Note from the Chairman Norm Olson Kickoff / Note from the Chairman Norm Olson, Iowa Energy Center
PresentationConference Wrap-up and Road to NH3 Certification John Holbrook Conference Wrap-up and Road to NH3 Certification John Holbrook, AmmPower
PresentationIntroducing a New Fuel to Commerce — Not so Easy, Experience from the Biodiesel Industry William AyresSteve Howell Introducing a New Fuel to Commerce — Not so Easy, Experience from the Biodiesel Industry Bill Ayres, R3 Sciences, LLC and Steve Howell, Marc-IV
PresentationNH3 — The Road Ahead Ralph PerpetuiniAlbert Venezio NH3 — The Road Ahead Ralph Perpetuini and Albert Venezio, Icom North America