Ammonia Energy Conference 2019
November 12, 2019 November 14, 2019 Hyatt Regency Orlando Orlando United States
Session 1: Ammonia Synthesis: Intrinsically Carbon-Free Production
Tuesday, November 12, 2019 8:00 am 10:00 am
Solid Oxide Technology for Ammonia Production and Use
The presentation will outline a 4 million € project funded by the Danish Energy Agency. The project is coordinated by Haldor Topsøe A/S and the partners are Vestas Wind Power, Ørsted, Energinet, Equinor, DTU Energy Conversion, and Aarhus University. The purpose of the project is to demonstrate a novel process for generation of ammonia synthesis gas without an air separation unit by means of Solid Oxide Electrolyzer Cells as well as using ammonia as a fuel for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells. The synthesis gas generation plant will be a 50 kW unit. The SOFC unit test will be carried out…
Demonstration and Optimization of Green Ammonia Production Operation Responding to Fluctuating Hydrogen Production from Renewable Energy
Yasushi FujimuraMototaka KaiTakayoshi FujimotoSho FujimotoRyousuke AtsumiMasayasu NishiTakehisa MochizukiTetsuya Nanba
Ammonia is a promising hydrogen carrier to transport green hydrogen from overseas to Japan at lower cost and resulting in lower lifecycle CO2 emission. Low carbon ammonia will be produced by fossil fuel reforming with CCS or EOR at the early stage of the introduction of ammonia fuel to the market. Green ammonia production from renewable sources is the ultimate goal, but there are some issues to commercialize. The low capacity factor, which is caused by the fluctuation of solar irradiation or wind speed, is a big issue which leads to ammonia production costs. In this presentation, we would like…
Technoeconomic Requirements for Sustainable Ammonia Production
Ammonia, the feedstock for all nitrogen fertilizers, is produced via the Haber-Bosch process, which is responsible for 1-2% of global carbon dioxide emissions each year. An attractive solution to this problem is to create an electrochemical ammonia synthesis process that can produce ammonia using only air, water, and renewable electricity. Researchers across the world have been working toward such a solution for the last several decades, but so far, no economically viable alternative has been created. The Haber-Bosch process is one of the largest-scale, most highly optimized chemical processes in the world; it is very difficult to find a cheaper…
Life-cycle analysis of green ammonia and its application as fertilizer building block
Conventionally, ammonia is produced from natural gas via steam methane reforming, water-gas shift reaction, and Haber-Bosch process. The process uses fossil fuels extensively and leads to 2.7 ton of CO2 emission per ton ammonia produced. With ammonia being the second largest chemical produced in the world, its production accounts for approximately 2% of worldwide fossil fuel use and generates over 420 million tons of CO2 annually. To decarbonize the ammonia sector, green ammonia synthesis pathways are of increasing interest. Green ammonia originates from air, water, and renewable electricity, and thus could be produced with low or zero carbon emissions. Since…
Starfire Energy's 10 Kg/Day Rapid Ramp NH3 System Development
Starfire Energy is building a 10 kg/day NH3 synthesis system using its low pressure Rapid Ramp NH3 process. The system includes hydrogen production by proton exchange membrane electrolyzer, nitrogen production by pressure swing adsorption, NH3 synthesis, and liquid NH3 storage. The tight coupling of the hydrogen, nitrogen, and NH3 processes require minimal reactant buffering. The system design, status, and preliminary performance will be discussed.
Session 2: Ammonia Synthesis: Next Generation Technology I
Tuesday, November 12, 2019 10:20 am 12:15 pm
Sustainable Ammonia Production from Sun, Air and Water
There is an ever growing demand for ammonia production that already reached globally 200 million tons per year by 2018 and is forecasted to increase to over 350 million tons per year by 2050 [1]. The application segment is dominated by the fertilizer industry, since the most important fertilizer and the world’s most widely produced chemical is urea. Ammonia is synthesized via the Haber-Bosch process, for which the required hydrogen and nitrogen are currently provided by using fossil fuels. This work proposes a novel approach to produce ammonia from the raw materials water and air only by utilizing solar energy…
Optimizing Absorptive Separation for Intensification of Ammonia Production
High pressure requirements of Haber-Bosch process imposes substantial operating (e.g., compression) and capital (compressor cost, advanced costly alloys, thick reactor casing, etc.) expenses in the ammonia production. Cost considerations force ammonia producers to take advantage of the economy of scale to drive down the manufacture cost, while small and energy-efficient processes that can be powered with off-grid renewable energy are required for ammonia-mediated hydrogen economy. Small-scale reaction-absorption process is proposed to be a viable technology to reduce the operating pressure requirements of Haber-Bosch process.1–4 Here, we present an overview of our efforts to further intensify ammonia production via reaction-absorption process.…
300°C Proton-Exchange Membrane for Low-Pressure Electrolytic Ammonia Synthesis
The two North Dakota universities and Proton OnSite are developing a 300°C-capable polymer–inorganic composite (PIC) proton exchange membrane for low-pressure (15-psi) ammonia synthesis. The PIC membrane comprises an inorganic proton conductor strategically composited within a high-temperature polymer to enable a proton conductivity of 10-2 siemens/centimeter at 300°C. Integrated with appropriate low-cost anode and cathode catalysts in a membrane–electrode assembly, the gas-impermeable PIC membrane is projected to enable ammonia production at a total energy input of about 6400 kilowatt-hours/ton (kWh/ton), versus about 8500 kWh/ton for state-of-the-art Haber Bosch-based ammonia production. The PIC membrane will also have application in high-temperature water electrolysis…
Microwave Catalytic Synthesis of Ammonia for Energy Storage and Transformation
This paper presents an innovative approach of producing energy-dense, carbon-neutral liquid ammonia as a means of energy carrier. The approach synergistically integrates microwave reaction chemistry with novel heterogeneous catalysis that decouples N2 activation from high temperature and high pressure reaction, altering reaction pathways and lowering activation energy. Results have shown that ammonia synthesis can be carried out at 280 ℃ and ambient pressure to achieve ~1 mmol NH3/g cat. /hour over supported Ru catalyst systems. Adding promoters of K, Ce and Ba has significantly improved the ammonia production rate over Ru-based catalysts that could be attributing to enhanced electromagnetic sensitivity…
Energy Storage through Electrochemical Ammonia Synthesis Using Proton-Conducting Ceramics
Neal P. SullivanLiangzhu ZhuChuancheng DuanRyan O'HayreMax PisciottaLong LeCarolina Herradon HernandezMichelle ButlerCanan KarakayaRobert J. KeeFred JahnkeHossein Ghezel-Ayagh
In this presentation, we provide an overview of an ambitious project to store renewable energy through electrochemical synthesis of ammonia. The joint project between the Colorado School of Mines (Golden, CO) and FuelCell Energy, Inc. (Danbury, CT) is supported through the U.S. Department of Energy ARPA-E ‘REFUEL’ program. The research and development team seeks to harness the unique properties of proton-conducting ceramics to activate chemical and electrochemical reactions for efficient and cost-effective synthesis of ammonia. The system concept is shown in Figure 1; renewable electricity is used to drive electrolysis of the H2O feedstock to form hydrogen. This electrochemically produced…
Session 3: Ammonia Combustion
Tuesday, November 12, 2019 1:45 pm 3:40 pm
Duiker Combustion Engineers BV Stoichiometry-Controlled Oxidation (SCO) Technology for Industrial Ammonia Combustion
In recent years, the stoichiometry-controlled oxidation (SCO) concept has been developed by Duiker Combustion Engineers to handle the ammonia-rich streams from sulphur recovery units within refineries. These ammonia rich streams are considered as waste streams that need to be destroyed with low NOx emissions. Several full-scale commercial SCO units have already been designed, delivered, installed and put in operation on refinery sites across the world, firing pure ammonia or rich ammonia-containing flows. The SCO technology has been based upon staged combustion and turns out to be a robust process, which is easy to operate and responds fast to upset conditions.…
Pure Ammonia Combustion Micro Gas Turbine System
Ekenechukwu Chijioke OkaforOsamu KurataNorihiko IkiTakahiro InoueTadahiro FujitaniYong FanTakayuki MatsunumaTaku TsujimuraHirohide FurutaniMasato KawanoKeisuke AraiAkihiro HayakawaHideaki Kobayashi
To protect against global warming, a massive influx of renewable energy is expected. Although hydrogen is a renewable media, its storage and transportation in large quantity has some problems. Ammonia fuel, however, is a hydrogen energy carrier and carbon-free fuel, and its storage and transportation technology is already established. In the 1960s, development of ammonia combustion gas turbines was abandoned because combustion efficiency was unacceptably low [1]. Recent demand for hydrogen energy carriers has revived the interest in ammonia as fuel [2, 3]. In 2015, ammonia-combustion gas turbine power generation was reported in Japan using a 50-kW class micro gas…
Ignition Delay Times of Diluted Mixtures of Ammonia/Methane at Elevated Pressures
The present worldwide concern with global warming has stimulated the development of carbon-neutral energy technologies in order to mitigate the need of fossil fuels and the emission of greenhouse gases. In this sense, ammonia (NH3) is regarded as one of the most viable alternatives to produce carbon-free energy, presenting high energy density and ease of storage and handling [1]. Furthermore, due to the long-lasting use of ammonia in the fertilizer and refrigerant industries, its possible implementation as a fuel presents an unmatched economic feasibility, when compared to other carbon-free alternatives [2]. However, ammonia has proven to be more resilient to…
Performance of Ammonia/Natural Gas Co-Fired Gas Turbine with Two-Stage Combustor
Ammonia has several advantages as renewable energy career [1-3]. Regarding the manufacturing process, the Harbor-Bosch method is already established. For transportation, ammonia can easily be liquefied at room temperature. Therefore, both transportation and storage are much easier than in case of hydrogen. In utilization, ammonia is combustible and used as a carbon-free fuel. However, ammonia has different combustion characteristics from natural gas. For example, the nitrogen atom contained in ammonia molecule causes high NOx emission through fuel NOx mechanisms [3]. Laminar burning velocity of ammonia is much lower; it might increase unburnt ammonia emission and cause unstable operation of gas…
New Technology of the Ammonia Co-Firing with Pulverized Coal to Reduce the NOx Emission
Ammonia is recognized as the new energy carrier and it is expected to be introduced into the society in a short time, since the infrastructures related to the ammonia, such as the mass production, transportation and storage are already introduced to produce the fertilizer for the agriculture. There is one technical issue, to use the ammonia in the direct combustion as the fuel for the electric power generation. It is the increase of the NO concentration in the exhaust gas. Ammonia contains the large amount of the nitrogen, comparing with any other fuels that human being has ever treated. Nitrogen…
Session 4: Ammonia Cracking
Tuesday, November 12, 2019 4:00 pm 5:30 pm
Carbon-Free H2 Production from NH3 Triggered at Ambient Temperature with Oxide Supported Ru Catalysts
Hydrogen produced from renewable energy has received a lot of attentions as a clean energy and development of a hydrogen storage and transportation system using hydrogen carrier has been greatly demanded. Among different kinds of hydrogen carrier, NH3 is regarded as one of the promising candidates, due to high energy density, high hydrogen capacity, and ease of liquification at room temperature. Furthermore, a carbon-free hydrogen storage and transportation system could be realized by using NH3 as hydrogen carrier. In this system, hydrogen produced from NH3 is used in engines, fuel cells, and turbines. However, use of NH3 as a hydrogen…
Material Discovery and Investigation of Novel Y Containing Ru Catalysts for Low Temperature Ammonia Decomposition
Liquid ammonia can be used as an alternative hydrogen carrier and can be decomposed over catalysts to create a high purity hydrogen stream for fuel cell applications. Ammonia decomposition is typically catalyzed using supported ruthenium catalysts. Current ruthenium catalysts are expensive and often require reaction temperatures of 650 °C to attain complete conversion [1]. For the hydrogen produced from ammonia decomposition to be efficiently used in proton exchange membrane fuel cells, operating temperatures need to be considerably lowered and effluent concentrations of ammonia need to be minimized to avoid poisoning of the membrane [2]. Therefore, it is of interest to…
High Flow Ammonia Cracking between 400-600°C
Traditional ammonia cracking is achieved at 850-950 °C in the presence of a nickel catalyst. The reaction is highly endothermic, and maintaining these high temperatures at high flow rates of ammonia gas can be difficult. Here, we present work using our advanced ammonia synthesis catalyst in an ammonia cracking setup. We use a metallic monolith catalyst support to minimize pressure drop at high flow rates. Full NH3 cracking occurs at 600 °C, with the onset of cracking at 400 °C. An output flame can be achieved with a fully tunable ratio of hydrogen to ammonia, depending on the temperature setpoint…
Ammonia Decomposition and Separation Using Catalytic Membrane Reactors
Sai P. KatikaneniStephen N. PaglieriAadesh X. HaraleAqil JamalKoichi EguchiHiroki MuroyamaToshiaki Matsui
Hydrogen is the primary fuel source for fuel cells. However, the low volume density and difficulty in storing and transporting hydrogen are major obstacles for its practical utilization. Among various hydrogen carries, ammonia is one of the most promising candidates because of its high hydrogen density and boiling point and ease in liquefaction and transportation. The reaction temperature of ammonia cracking into nitrogen and hydrogen is about 500˚C or higher. The hydrogen can be effectively separated by the membrane based on Pd alloy about 500˚C. Currently, the extraction of hydrogen from ammonia is carried out by two step process involving…
Session 5: Ammonia Energy Poster Session
Tuesday, November 12, 2019 6:00 pm 8:00 pm
Activation By High Temperature Reduction of Ru Catalyst Supported on Rare Earth Oxide for Ammonia Synthesis
Ammonia is an important chemical feedstock, and more than 80% of the synthesized ammonia is used to produce fertilizer. Ammonia is also being considered as an energy carrier and hydrogen source (1) because it has a high energy density (12.8 GJ m-3) and a high hydrogen content (17.6 wt%), (2) because infrastructure for ammonia storage and transportation is already established, and (3) because carbon dioxide is not emitted when ammonia is decomposed to produce hydrogen. If ammonia could be efficiently produced from a renewable energy source, such as solar or wind energy, problems related to the global energy crisis could…
Electrochemical Promotion of Ammonia Synthesis with Proton-Conducting Ceramic Fuel Cells -Function of Electrode Interface for Ammonia Formation Reaction-
The advance of efficient and economical energy carrier technology is an important challenge in terms of storage and transport of hydrogen fuels produced from renewable energy. Ammonia is a promising candidate of energy carrier because of high energy density and easy liquefaction as well as a carbon-free fuel.1 Electrochemical synthesis has a potential for an efficient ammonia production in comparison with the industrial Haber–Bosch process. In our previous study, we observed the improvement of electrochemical synthesis of ammonia using iron-based electrode catalyst such as K-Al-Fe-BaCe0.9Y0.1O3 (BCY).2 In the study, basically, H2 decomposition occurs to form protons in the anode side,…
Ammonia Generation By Low Energy Electrical Corona Discharge Processes
Ammonia is considered as an important chemical used in agriculture, household cleaning and manufacturing. Mass production of ammonia mostly uses the Haber-Bosch process, reacting hydrogen and nitrogen. However, this process requires a moderately-elevated temperature (450°C) and high pressure (100 bar). Therefore, the development of technologies to produce ammonia with a moderate operation condition and a higher energy efficiency would have a positive economic impact and simulate new approaches in industrial chemistry. Reactors enable single discharge and multi-discharge operation have been built, and their performance proves the concept of conversion of nitrogen and hydrogen and demonstrates the ability to produce ammonia.…
In Situ Growth of Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Coated γ-Fe; O; Nanoparticles on Carbon Fabric for Electrochemical N; Fixation
Nitrogen fixation to ammonia (NH3) has attracted intensive attention because NH3 is the critical inorganic fertilizers and energy carrier. Haber-Bosch process, the industrial procedure for NH3 production, is confined to the extreme condition requirements. Hence, it is highly desirable to develop a renewable and environment-friendly route for nitrogen fixation to replace the conventional technology. Electrochemical nitrogen reduction reaction (NRR) is one of the most promising techniques since the electrical energy could be produced by synergy with the fast-growing renewable energy. However, electrochemical NRR approach faces huge challenge in breaking extremely high N≡N bond energy (940.95 kJ mol–1) in dinitrogen molecules.…
Electrochemical Reduction of Dinitrogen to Ammonia Using Different Morphologies of Copper As Electro Catalysts
Ammonia is an effective hydrogen storage medium due to ease of transport as liquid, high storage capacity (17.65%) and it can easily be converted to hydrogen by electro-chemical oxidation. Haber-Bosch process is used for the synthesis of ammonia which is energy intensive as it requires high temperature and pressure. It also causes intense carbon emissions as the hydrogen is produced by steam reforming. Alternatively, ammonia can be synthesized electrochemically at ambient conditions from nitrogen and water by employing renewable energy in the presence of an electro catalyst. The major challenge in electrochemical synthesis of ammonia is low Faradaic efficiency. This…
Synthesis of Ammonia By RF Non-Thermal Plasma over Ni-MOF-74
Herein, we demonstrate a synergistic approach consisting on radiofrequency plasma to synthesize ammonia in the presence of Ni-MOF-74 as catalyst. The Ni-MOF displayed higher ammonia yields as com-pared to the pure Ni metal. Specifically, ammonia yields as high as 0.23 g-NH3 (kWh-g-catalyst)-1 and energy cost of 265 MJ mol-1 over Ni-MOF were observed. The enhanced catalytic activity of the Ni-MOF in the presence of plasma was attributed to the presence of pores that improved mass transfer of guest and product molecules during reaction, the presence of open Ni metal sites, and lower surface hydrogen re-combination. Furthermore, the ammonia energy yield…
Ocean Thermal Energy Ammonia Production and Heat Transport to Reverse Global Warming
Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) is by far the most balanced means to face the challenge of global warming. OTEC is a true triple threat against global warming. It is the only technology that acts to directly reduce the temperature of the ocean (it was estimated one degree Fahrenheit reduction every twenty years for 10,000 250 MWe plants in 1977), eliminates carbon emissions, and increases carbon dioxide absorption (cooler water absorbs more CO2) at the same time. It generates fuel that is portable and efficient, and electricity for coastal areas when moored offshore. It creates jobs, perhaps millions of them,…
Ammonia Production Can be Practically Free
As a prototype I take Green ammonia: Haldor Topsoe’s solid oxide electrolyzer ( ) to produce synthesis-gas (1/2 N2 + 1.5 H2 ) for ammonia production from air, water and renewable energy. The big disadvantage of it is very expensive CAPEX of the electrolyzer consuming 7.2 MWh electricity per a ton of ammonia. In my turn, I suppose a following technology consuming 7.0-7.4 MWh electricity to produce ammonia with by-product of 0.4 ton formaldehyde solution (40% in water) being now USD 300-350/ton fob price, considered as that ammonia payback including CAPEX. The world annual consume of formaldehyde exceeds 10…
Proton-Based Solid Acid for Ammonia Removal
Masakuni YamaguchiTomoyuki IchikawaHikaru MiyaokaKeita NakajimaTengfei ZhangHiroki MiyaokaYoshitsugu Kojima
Large amount of water is a NH3 absorbent in the plant facilities for emergency. NH3 and NH4+ coexist in ammonia water. For example, potential of hydrogen (pH) is 11 in 2500 ppm ammonia water and the ratio of NH3 and NH4+ are 98% and 2%, respectively. The aqueous solution releases NH3 due to the high equilibrium vapor pressure, resulting in increase of the negative effects on the environment. Therefore, in order to reduce ammonia released to the atmosphere, sulfuric acid is added in the aqueous solution. In this case, ammonium sulfate is formed and dissolves in the water. Therefore complicated…
Analysis of an Ammonia/Ammonium Nitrate Fuel's Thermal Decomposition By Mass Spectrometry and Thermogravimetric Analysis
Research on renewable synthetic fuels has become a hot-topic in recent years. This is due to the long-term energy storage capabilities of chemical bonds and their potential compatibility with current energy infrastructure. Specifically, nitrogen-based fuels offer a carbon-free solution to wide scale implementation of renewable energies. Therefore, the inherent chemistry involved in the utilization of these fuels for stationary and mobile power generation is of prime interest. Unlike ammonium nitrate, ammonia suffers from unstable combustion characteristics. Therefore, adding ammonium nitrate to ammonia combustion may stabilize the process. However, while ammonia’s gas-phase reaction mechanism is well studied, ammonium nitrate’s is poorly…
Session 6: Ammonia Synthesis: Decarbonizing Hydrocarbon Feedstocks and Fuels
Wednesday, November 13, 2019 8:00 am 10:00 am
Reducing the Carbon Footprint of Ammonia As Green Energy Carrier
Well-known environmental concerns, new directives and tighter regulations drive the development of new industrial processes with lower carbon emissions and reduced fossil fuel consumptions. Among those processes, ammonia production accounts for a significant share of about 1% of global CO2 emissions (Brown, 2016). Ammonia seems to be a promising carbon free energy carrier with high energy density and already available infrastructure distribution with respect to other carbon free solutions (e.g. hydrogen). Within this framework, Casale developed a new patented process, A6000CC (WO2018/149641), to convert natural gas to ammonia with reduced CO2 emissions to atmosphere, as low as less than 0.2…
Biomass Based Sustainable Ammonia Production
The renewable ammonia production is gaining attention nowadays. Current production processes use as raw material, predominantly, natural gas or coal. Therefore, large amounts of greenhouse carbon dioxide are released in the production process. Different alternatives for a sustainable path to produce ammonia have been analysed. One alternative is producing hydrogen through electrolysis, nitrogen by air separation and then produce ammonia via Haber Bosch process (Sánchez & Martín, 2018). An interesting feature of this process is the possibility of integrating renewable energy sources in the ammonia production. Another technology is the electrochemical ammonia production (Bicer & Dincer, 2017). The ammonia synthesis…
Simulation of an Ammonia Plant Integrated with the Allam Cycle for Commercial Production of Ammonia and Power
The continuous global economic and population growth results in a fast-paced energy demand and problematic emission green house gases such as CO2. To cost-effectively reduce CO2 emissions with the current main energy source of fossil fuels, novel carbon capture and utilization technologies have to be developed. One of such promising technologies is the Allam cycle power plant developed by a consortium led by Net Power LLC. Even though the human population is expected to reach about 9.2 billion by 2050,, the land availability for farming at that time could only keep the current level or even decrease. Thus, the demand…
The Role of Carbon Capture and Storage Incentives in Ammonia Fuel Production
While the current cost of ammonia produced from hydrogen via steam methane reforming (SMR) of natural gas with carbon capture & storage (CCS) is challenging on an energy basis compared to the price of gasoline, the Clean Air Task Force projects that production of ammonia at optimized, world-scale SMR+CCS facilities could be price-competitive with gasoline in the near future, especially in the right policy environment. Two government programs in the United States—a federal tax incentive known as 45Q and California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS)—provide immediate and unprecedented opportunities to mitigate the cost premium associated with certain hydrogen production systems.…
Monolith Materials: Ammonia Production from Natural Gas Using Pyrolysis
Monolith Materials was founded in 2013 with the vision of converting abundant natural gas resources into valuable products for customers around the world. We have developed a novel electric process for converting natural gas into carbon, in the form of carbon black, and hydrogen, at high yield. Our first commercial unit (15,000 T/y of carbon and 5,000 T/y of hydrogen) is fully financed and under construction. It will come online in 2019. We plan on expanding this facility by adding as many as 30 additional units over the coming years. We are actively pursuing opportunities to increase the value of…
Session 7: Ammonia Safety
Wednesday, November 13, 2019 10:20 am 11:15 am
Safety of Ammonia As Hydrogen and Energy Carriers
Ammonia (NH3) is liquefied at 1 MPa and 25 °C, and has a highest volumetric hydrogen density of 10.7 kg H2 /100L. It has a high gravimetric hydrogen density of 17.8 wt%. The heat of formation of NH3 is about 1/10 of combustion heat of hydrogen. NH3 has advantages as a hydrogen carrier for fuel cell vehicles and an energy carrier for power plants. In this research, the purpose is to figure out regulations for safety of NH3 in the world, and survey NH3 accident. We also characterize water as a NH3 absorbent. Regulations for flammability and health hazard are…
Safe and Effective Application of Ammonia As a Marine Fuel
To achieve significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in shipping and enable ship owner’s to eventually phase them out entirely renewable fuels, such as ammonia, play a crucial role. However, much is still unknown regarding application of ammonia as a marine fuel. An ammonia carrier is used as basis to perform the study identifying the marine technical feasibility and performance of ammonia. Furthermore, a safety analysis is performed on the system level providing the first design principles for ammonia powered vessels. The results of this theoretical research will be presented including an outlook on new developments on the implementation of…
Ammonia – Could it replace HFO/LSFO?
The core of this presentation deals with the nature of ammonia, its natural characteristics that make it a future fuel solution candidate, the safety measures that need to be applied in order to carry it on board without endangering lives, environment & property, as well as whether this would be a feasible and cost- or risk-effective solution. For a long time, a lot of discussions have been centered around this subject, now bringing it to the immediate forefront & creating various questions that we will aim to answer to the interested individuals’, ship-managers’, businesses’, ship-owners’ and corporations’ satisfaction. Lloyd’s Register –…
Session 8: Ammonia as a Fuel
Wednesday, November 13, 2019 1:45 pm 3:40 pm
Arpa-E Refuel Program: Distributed Production of Ammonia and Its Conversion to Energy
Ammonia, which has high energy density in easily produced liquid form and can be converted to electric or motive power, is considered to be an almost ideal non-carbon energy vector in addition to its common use as a fertilizer. It can be manufactured anywhere using the Haber-Bosch process, effectively stored, transported and used in combustion engines and fuel cells as well as a hydrogen carrier. Transition from fossil fuels as the energy source and feedstock to intermittent renewable energy sources will require a shift from large scale Haber-Bosch plants (1,000 – 1,500 t/day) to distributed ammonia production matching electrical power…
Technical & Economic Study for Commercial Ships with HFO, LNG and NH3 As Fuel
Objective/Scope: International Maritime Organization (IMO) announced the initial strategy for GHG (Green-House Gas) emission of ships according to “Paris Climate Agreement”. In order to resolve the GHG emission issue from ships, a demand for GHG solution technologies is increasing such as alternative fuels and energies. Recently, some reports by some companies and research centers have been presented some positive results on NH3 for ship GHG reduction. And MAN Energy Solutions presented some development plans on ammonia engines for ship CO2 emission reduction. DSME (Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering) also thinks that ammonia can be one of options as ship fuel…
High-Efficiency Two-Stroke Internal Combustion Engine
Long-term storage of electricity generated from variable renewable energy resources sources can be achieved by converting the electricity into the chemical energy of a combustible fuel. The conversion process usually involves electrolysis of water to produce hydrogen, which may either be stored directly as a high pressure gas or converted to a more energy-dense fuel such as ammonia. In either case, the fuel can be stored for days, weeks, or even months and then, when its energy is needed, it can be burned in a heat engine. The heat engine can be used to drive an electrical generator, thereby reclaiming…
Our Improved Farm Tractor Ammonia and Hydrogen Fueling System
We have a large farm tractor that is fueled by a mixture of ammonia and hydrogen, or hydrogen alone. We will briefly describe the fueling and ignition improvements that have been made to the engine, and quantify the performance increases. These improvements can be applied to other internal combustion engine applications. This tractor runs only on renewable and CO2 free fuels.
Fuel Transition Scenarios for the Maritime Industry up to 2050
This paper will present some of the University College London Energy Institute’s recent and ongoing work on likely fuel transition scenarios for the maritime industry, and discuss potential scenarios under which ammonia could become a substantial fuel for shipping (i.e. carbon price, developments vs hydrogen, costs, and non-market factors).
Session 9: Ammonia as an Energy Carrier
Wednesday, November 13, 2019 4:00 pm 5:30 pm
Ammonia as an Energy Carrier – Update from the Netherlands
Proton Ventures specializes in ammonia and energy related matters in four ways: Terminal storage and handling (bulk) NFUEL Small scale ammonia production DeNOx and N2O removal systems Battolyser Technology (electrolysis and battery storage in a single appliance) Recently, Proton Ventures welcomed new venture capital from Koolen Industries allowing further growth, development and market penetration of the new small scale ammonia production technology. Momentum is increasing: across the globe, we have some great leads in various stages of development. Can multiple small scale production trains actually be a smart solution for the larger production capacity requirements when fluctuation of either the…
Case Study of Ammonia Production in the Island States Using Ocean Thermal Energy
The world’s oceans are the largest collectors and storage of solar energy and have an enormous potential to supply growing worldwide energy demands, commodity products like ammonia and fresh water. This case study focuses on the island states for implementation of the Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) in the foreseeable future within two decades. Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and other island states exclusively rely on petroleum-liquid based power generation, specifically fuel oil and diesel. For example, power generating capacities of Mauritius, Reunion, St Thomas and St Croix are 480 MW, 435 MW, 200 MW and 120 MW, respectively. Fossil…
Ammonia As Hydrogen Carrier to Unlock the Full Potential of Green Renewables
For decades, grid-scale energy storage has been used to balance load and demand within an energy generation system composed mainly of base load power sources enabling thus to large nuclear or thermal generating plant to operate at peak efficiencies. Energy storage has contributed over the time to meet peak demand and regulate frequency beside peak fossil fuel power plant who usually provided the bulk of the required energy. In the aforementioned context where inherent variability of the power generation asset was mainly a minor issue, energy storage capacity remains nevertheless limited for economic reason storing electricity during low electricity demand…
Green Ammonia Production Integrated into US Wholesale Power Markets
The High Plains and Rocky Mountain regions of the United States have some of the best renewable energy resources in the world. As more non-dispatchable wind and solar generation is integrated into the power system, it is impacting wholesale power markets. Average wholesale electricity power prices are falling while their volatility is increasing. This creates opportunities for large flexible loads that are capable of consuming energy while prices are low and not consuming energy when prices are high. Result from an analysis of dispatchable fully electric ammonia production integrated into the power system are presented.
Session 10: Ammonia Energy Association: Platinum Reception
Wednesday, November 13, 2019 6:00 pm 8:00 pm
Decarbonized Ammonia for Food and Energy
Yara, the Crop nutrition company for the future, established several new business units to sustainably feed the world and protect the planet. Within the segment New Business – Decarbonize Yara – will focus on the main aspects of green house gas emissions in the value chain. Decarbonized ammonia, through the renewable hydrogen route, has several carbon footprint advantages. Fertilizer production will reduce CO2 emissions, the derived nitrate based fertilizer has a lower carbon footprint at field application than other fertilzers and renewable ammonia can be used as an energy carrier (energy storage and (in-)direct fuel). The presentation will cover a…
Session 11: Ammonia Synthesis: Next Generation Technology II
Thursday, November 14, 2019 8:00 am 10:00 am
Comparative Technoeconomic Analysis of Conventional and Absorbent-Enhanced Ammonia Synthesis
Ammonia is the second-most produced synthetic chemical and the main precursor for nitrogen-based fertilizer. In 2015, 160 million tons were produced globally, and global demand is expected to grow 1.5% annually until 2050 [1]. However, traditional ammonia production uses natural gas or coal as its hydrogen source, and as a result, is also responsible for more than 1% of global GHG emissions and 5% of global natural gas consumption [2]. Clearly, a more sustainable ammonia production scheme is needed. One such alternative is obtain hydrogen from electrolysis powered by wind- or solar-derived electricity. It has been proposed to perform this…
Yittria-Stabilized Zirconia (YSZ) Supports for Low Temperature Ammonia Synthesis
Zhenyu ZhangSarah LivingstonLucy FitzgeraldThomas F. FuerstSimona LiguoriJ. Douglas WayColin A. Wolden
NH3 is important as the raw material for fertilizer production and high hydrogen density (17.7 wt. %) energy carrier. Conventionally, NH3 is synthesized through the well-known Haber-Bosch process at 400-500°C and P~150 bar. Both critical reaction conditions and massive production (145 mt NH3 in 2014 globally) make it one of the most energy extensive process, consuming 1-2% of the world’s total energy expense. Here we introduce YSZ as a more active Ru catalyst support than traditionally used supports such as Al2O3. The addition of Cs promoter increased rates an order of magnitude higher by reducing the apparent activation energy from…
An Integrated Evaluation Method with Application to a New Ammonia Synthesis Process Design
While keeping the traditional centralized large-scale chemical production, the increasing market volatility and the rising use of renewable resources will require new production ways such as distributed, modularized, and small-scale production. The new emerging processes are expected to provide more flexibility, shorter time to market, and better use of distributed renewable raw materials (e.g. biomass) and energy (e.g. solar and wind). However, the traditional process evaluation methods such as TEA (Techno-Economic Analysis) tend to lower the value of the new processes since the small-scale would make higher capital cost and lower operation efficiency. Therefore, a new evaluation method is required…
Effect of Preparation Condition on Ammonia Synthesis over Ru/CeO
Development of the hydrogen carrier system is of great interest to utilization of renewable energy. To store renewable energy, especially for the electricity from photovoltaic and wind turbine, fluctuation of the generated electricity is not appropriate for the stable supply of the electric power. Also, the hydrogen production by the water electrolysis with the fluctuating electricity results in the fluctuation of hydrogen production. When we store the hydrogen derived from renewable energy in the carrier compounds, it is necessary to consider the reduction or smoothing of fluctuation in the hydrogen flow rate as a feed of chemical process. Although the…
Ammonia Absorbents with High Stability and High Capacity for Fast Cycling
Ammonia absorption is an alternative separation to condensation in ammonia production. Metal chloride salts selectively incorporate ammonia into their crystal lattices with remarkably high capacity. Regeneration and stability of these salts are further improved by dispersing them onto a porous silica support. Here, we discuss the optimal preparation methods of supported metal halides, as well as optimal conditions for uptake and release of ammonia. The metal halide salt particle size, support particle size, support composition and preparation methods are optimized for material stability, speed of uptake and release, and maximum ammonia capacity. An automated system was used to rapidly screen…
Session 12: Ammonia Synthesis: Next Generation Technology III
Thursday, November 14, 2019 10:20 am 12:15 pm
A Techno-Economic Model for Renewable Ammonia By Electrochemical Synthesis with Proton Conductive Membrane
Ammonia as a renewable liquid fuel has increased global interest for long term energy storage and as a principal chemical candidate in overcoming the challenging practical issues such as storage and transport associated with hydrogen. It is known the Haber-Bosch method of producing ammonia is based on fossil fuels and has a high energy consumption as a result of operating temperatures and pressures of special concern. A techno-economic study is presented for the electrochemical synthesis of ammonia with proton conducting membrane at near ambient pressure. Different coupling pathways were investigated for production of hydrogen and generation of nitrogen to assess…
Ammonia Yields during Plasma-Assisted Catalysis Boosted By Hydrogen Sink Effect
Plasma-catalytic ammonia synthesis is known since early 1900s but the possible reaction pathways are currently under investigation. In this article, we present the use of various transition metals and gallium-rich alloys for plasma-catalytic ammonia synthesis. The best three metallic catalysts were identified to be Ni, Sn and Au with the highest ammonia yield of 34%. Furthermore, as compared to its constituent metals some alloys presented about 25-50% better yields. The metals employed were classified in two different categories according to their behavior during ammonia plasma-catalysis. Category I metals are nitrophobic and the measured concentration of Hα in the gas phase…
Synthesis and Assessment of Process Systems for Production of Ammonia Using Nitric Oxide in Combustion Exhaust Gas
Hideyuki MatsumotoShotaro OgawaKeisuke KobayashiTetsuya NanbaShiro YoshikawaTaku TsujimuraHirohide Furutani
Recently, ammonia is regarded as an alternative fuel without carbon dioxide (CO2). Numerous studies have been performed using ammonia as a fuel. Iki and Kurata confirmed the working of a prototype for the ammonia gas turbine, where ammonia burned in an environmentally benign way to generate electricity, exhausting only water and nitrogen [1]. From the view of cycle of ammonia for the development of a society with low carbon, it is required to synthesize carbon-free ammonia (green ammonia) in small plants. This green ammonia can be synthesized using renewable energy, with hydrogen from electrolysis of water and nitrogen from pressure…
Mechanistic Insights into Electrochemical Nitrogen Reduction Reaction on Vanadium Nitride Nanoparticles
Renewable production of ammonia, a building block for most fertilizers, via the electrochemical nitrogen reduction reaction (ENRR) is desirable; however, a selective electrocatalyst is lacking. Here we show that vanadium nitride (VN) nanoparticles are active, selective, and stable ENRR catalysts. ENRR with 15N2 as the feed produces both 14NH3 and 15NH3, which indicates that the reaction follows a Mars–van Krevelen mechanism. Ex situ and operando characterizations indicate that VN0.7O0.45 is the active phase for ENRR and the conversion of VN0.7O0.45 to the VN phase leads to catalyst deactivation. Quantitative isotopic labeling results identify the amounts of two different types of…
Ammonia Synthesis from Water and Nitrogen Under Ambient Condition Using Single Atom Nickel
Our dependence on ammonia is not limited to development of fertilizers and other chemicals. Ammonia is being considered an energy vector, capable of being used for energy storage as well as fuel, due to its high energy density, ease of storage and transportation. Growing need for ammonia has forced development of alternate strategies for synthesis worldwide to serve as back up of Haber Bosch. Electrochemical ammonia synthesis is one such alternative. Earlier, we found that, nitrogen vacancy in metal-organic framework-derived disordered carbon is active for nitrogen reduction in alkaline electrolytes. We tried to investigate Fe-N4 sites for nitrogen reduction. It…
Implementation Conference: Plenary Session 1
Thursday, November 14, 2019 1:30 pm 3:00 pm
Keynote Speech: Hydrogen and Ammonia: Building Global Momentum
Philibert will speak of the current considerable momentum on hydrogen and the consideration it is given in many countries. Based on a variety of recent reports, including the major IEA Future of Hydrogen report, he will show the evolution of the global thinking on the role of hydrogen in the energy transition from a narrow focus on light-duty fuel-cell vehicles to a much broader spectrum including the chemical and steelmaking industry sub-sectors, long-haul transportation on land, sea and in the air, the power sector, and buildings. Hydrogen is also valued for its potential use as a carrier for clean renewable…
Implementation Conference: Plenary Session 2
Thursday, November 14, 2019 3:30 pm 5:00 pm
Keynote Speech: Implementation of Ammonia Energy Value Chain
Toward low carbon society, it is essential to develop and utilize renewable energies globally. For this challenge, hydrogen energy carriers will take an important role to bridge renewable resources and energy market. Among carriers, ammonia is the most economical and viable option because it has the largest hydrogen content and can be directly combusted without CO2 emissions. Technologies to use ammonia in power generation and industrial markets have been developed in the SIP Energy Carriers in Japan, and The Green Ammonia Consortium established April 2019 is conducting feasibility studies of Green and Blue ammonia and discussing implementation plans for a…